HCA 13/71 f.51v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.51v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


áged 26 yeares or thereabouts sworne and exámined.

To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith and
deposeth that in or about the moneth of August last past, the said shipp
the ffortune at Dantzicke received and tooke in her lading of clapboard
wainscot and packs to be transported to this port of London, which goods hee
saith were well and carefully stowed and dannaged for their preservation
from dammage; and that having soe received the same on board,
namely in or about the said moneth of August last the said shipp with
the said goods in her shee sailed and departed from Dantzike for
this port of London, and that in her course of proceeding, shee
met with severall greate stormes, and very much fowle and tempestuous
weather whereby she shipt much sea water, and by that meanes all
such dammage as hath befallen any of the said goods the said voyage,
came and happened, and not by any insufficiencie of her said shipp
which hee saith from the time of her first entrance upon the
said voyage a very tight strong and sufficient shipp, and fitt for
the said voyage, nor did such dammage happen by any default or
neglect of or in the the master and company or any of them, who hee
saith did all use their utmust diligence all the said voyage to prevent
the said dammage voyage. All which hee deposeth and knoweth, being one of the
said shipps company, and seeing the lading of the said goods and
helping to steeve the same, and seeing them soe dennaged, and
comming all the said voyage in the said shipp. And otherwise hee
cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee this deponent was a common man of the
said ships company the said voyage, and otherwise referrs himselfe to this
foregoing deposition.

To the second hee referreth himselfe to this foregoing deposition.

To the third hee saith the wooden merchandize was stored lowermost and then
matts laid thereon and then the packs stowed on the said wooden goods and matts
and matts again laid over the packs, and otherwise as aforesaid.

To the fourth hee saith the said shipp sprung one leake the said voyage
upon which she was about 15 weekes between Dantzike and London, and
saith that comming into the North sea, she got the company of a
shipp of Dantzike which came then out of Norway, in which company she
came up into the River of Thames. And otherwise cannot answer saving
as aforesaid.

To the fifth hee saith that the dammadge befallen the lading of the said
shipp, came and happened by water shipt and received above in the ship
by the seas washing over and upon her decke and thense went and rann
belowe, and not by any leakinnesse belowe, and otherwise hee referreth
himselfe to the foregoing deposition

To the 6th hee saith the hatches were close and firme and well covered
and by a tarpalling that was close nailed downe over the said hatches.

To the 7th hee hath not soe deposed.