HCA 13/71 f.517v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.517v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of such shipps; which hee knoweth for that hee this deponent
from the yeare 1633 to the yeere 1651 or thereabouts lived at
Lisbone as a Merchant, and was in that time part owner
of diverse English shipps, which were freighted to goe
thence for the Brazile and to retourne for Portugall,
manned with English, and as being soe part owner, received
his proportionable share of average accordingly, over and
besides the freight contracted for by Charter partie, and is
yet to receive average for the hanibal (an English shipp
lately commanded by Captain Tatam) the accounts not being
as yet adiusted or cleared. And otherwise cannot depose saving [XXXX]


To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee was spoken unto by one (whose name hee
knoweth not) who said hee was one of the owners of the shipp the
Peter to come and testifie the truth in this cause, and very well
understandeth the nature of primage and average having
bin a merchant these fourtie yeeres, and saith that they are
mentioned in all bills of lading and generally in Charterparties
and for primage hee conceiveth it to be a guift to the mariners
for hoyssing in of the goods, which being one of their primage
primary workes, it hath thence the name as hee conceiveth
and it is in Portugese called Guindage, and that average hath
many significations in maritime matters, as upon casting out
of goods, with lesse of sailes and anchors, but the average in question
hee saith is not (soe farr as hee hath heard) given in
any countrey but in Portugall, and saith the primage belongeth
to the mariners, and average somtimes to the shipp and somtimes
to the merchants, but the average in question being upon a
Portugall designe, belongs and is given to the owners of the
shipp, but the reason hee knoweth not, And otherwise hee
cannot depose saving as aforesaid.

To the second hee saith there is somthing due to the master and
mariners upon taking in the goods or signing the bills of lading
being the foresaid primage, but as to the average in Portugall
voyages aforesaid there is none due to the master, unlesse hee
be a part owner, and then tis done in respect of his ownershipp
and not of his mastershipp; But saith that in respect of
the greate averages that are due and belonging to the owners [?upon]
Brazila voyages from Lisbone and back, the said owners have
bin content and have usually given somthing thereout at the[?ir]
discretion to the master as a gratuitie, which hee knoweth having
severall times bin an Arbitrator betweene owners and masters
upon the occasion, and then the master hath noe other
matter due to him for these voyages but his primage and wages, being to st[XXX]
to the owners courtesie for what hee shall have besides, nothing