HCA 13/71 f.515r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 515 |
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Jill Wilcox | |
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2012/12/19 | |
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Edited on 07/05/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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The 22th of January 1656
The office of the Judges against}
Nathaniel hawes and others.}
Suckly. Smyth.}
Examined upon an allegation given on the behalfe of
Jacob Jacobs and others the 8th of december last.
Hance Elers of hamborough Mariner, aged 34 yeares
or thereabouts sworne and Examined.
To the first and second articles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
that hee well know and knoweth the shipps the Winbeck, the katherin
the Bremer and the king david arlate, which hee saith were and are all
of hamborowe, and alsoe well knoweth their respective Masters arlate, and
saith that in or about April last the said foure shipps under the conduct
of their respective Masters arlate were bound and sailing from hamborough
for Portugall, namely the said shipp the Bremer for Port a Port and the
other three for Lisbone, with severall goods and merchandizes to be dischardged
at the said ports of Portugall, and belonging to hamburgers, and further
that in their course of preceeding they were by contrary windes put into
the Ile of Wight, where they came all foure to an anchor before the
Cowes in or above Aprill last, and after about foure or five dayes that
they had laine there, the winde comming faire and the said masters having
paid the acustomed duties of lights and anchorage, they weighed and
proceeded the westerly way to goe thense on their voyage, and comming
somewhat past Yarmouth Castle, the winde tooke them contrary againe
whereby they were occasioned to tack and come againe to anchor
before the said Castle of Yarmouth, and saith the arlate Captaine Welch
a private man of warr came from the Cowes with them, and turned back
with his shipp and anchored before Yarmouth as they did, and when the
winde served againe, and that the said foure masters had paid the duties and
taken their leave of the castle and had weighed and were going to saile, the
said Captaine Welch from his man of warr shott off a Gunn, and
commanded the said foure masters of the said foure shipps of hamborowe
to come aboard him, and that they went accordingly aboard him, all
which had knoweth to be time, for that hee this deponent went the said
voyage in the said shipp king david whereof hee was boatswaine and
sawe the premisses soe happen and acted, and upon such going aboard
this deponent sawe Hendrick Brand master of the king david carry his
seabrief and papers with him, and heard and beleeveth that the said other
three masters did the like and otherwise hee doth not depose.
To the third fourth fifth and 6th articles hee saith and deposeth that upon the said foure
Masters comming aboard they the said Welches shipp, they were
there detained and thense sent ashore to Yarmouth, and there put
and kept as prisoners for the space of a moneth or thereabouts, and upon
their carrying ashore, there came severall men from the said Welch
into the said foure shipps, to looke to and detaine them from going away.
and after some space, the said foure skippers as it was there commonly
said were constrained (to give leave to be gonne and prosecute their voyage)
to yeeld to pay five and twenty pounds sterling apeece, to the said welch
or his setters forth, two of which (as they were said to be) this examinate sawe there, and this the
said Skippers (upon the threats of the said welch and others) were necessitated
unto, although their goods and shipps were belonging to hamburgers and
friends of their Commonwealth, and not having money to satisfie the
said summe, the said two of the said welches Imployers (one whereof this
examinate heard called Captaine Greene) came aboard the said shipps and