HCA 13/71 f.512v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.512v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 15th of January 1656. [CENTRE HEADING]

The claime of the Marischal D'Aumont}
Governour of Bolloigne for a vessell here}
proceeded against as a vessell of an unknowne}

Exámined upon an allegation examined on
the behalfe of the said Marischal
d'Aumont the 12th instant.

Rp. .j.

Robert [?BeVille] of Bologne Mariner, aged 40 yeeres
or thereabouts sworne and exámined.

To the first and second articles of the said allegation and the schedule
annexed nowe showne unto him, hee saith and deposeth that the said vessell
of an unknowne name with a parcell of rozin therein, alsoe two or three
bales of course paper, same iron pots, halfe a barrell of beades and
a little iron was in or about the moneth of October last past
chased a good space upon the coast of Galicia neere the Cape
ffinis-terre by the vessell the Lewise of Bologne of which G[XXXX GUTTER]
Bouchet was Commander and wore the ffrench fflagg
or Ensigne, and at length approaching her with the said flagg
displayed, the company of the said vessell of an unknowne
name hasted with her ashore as fast as they could, but the Lewise
comming very neere before they could run her ashore they betooke
themselves to their boate and fledd ashore on the said coast,
abandonning their said vessell to the Lewise where thereupon came
up and seized her with the said goods aboard by vertue of a Command
from the duke of Vandasome grannted to the effect arlate,
all which hee knoweth being quarter master of the Lewise and
seeing the premisses soe done, And saith that after the said seizure
the said Captaine Bouchet put this deponent and eight others of
his company (with a copie of this Commission) aboard the said vessell
to saile her for Bologne, to the end to have her there proceeded
against according to lawe, but by storme hee saith they were driven
into Saint hellens bay on the coast of the Isle of Wight where they
came with her to an anchor and there rode about two days ex[?pecting GUTTER]
the winde to come faire for them to goe for Bollogne, but after soe
longe riding there as aforesaid, the S[?XX]lings frigot whereof Captaine
Morris was Commander came and seized her and carried her
to Portsmouth, notwithstanding this deponents and companyes relating
unto the said Captaine the manner of the said seizure by the
Lewise and howe that they were were carrying her for Bologne, and this
deponent upon the said seizure by Captaine Morris, showd him the
said copie of the Commission aforesaid, which the said Captain kept and
with held from him, and coming to Portsmouth, this deponent and
some others of his company were carried ashore and there examined
at which examination, the said copie of their Commission was
showed to him this examinate, who owned and acknowledged it to be
the said copie of their Commission. And afterwards the said Captaine
Bouchet with his said man of warr happening to come neere
Portsmouth, and understanding of the carrying of this said prize
in thither hee came there ashore and demanded the same, and being
told by the officers there that the matter concerning the same was