HCA 13/71 f.50v Annotate

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shee came into deeper water, about 6 fadoms as; about this deponent remembreth
where shee came to Anchor with 2. Anchors, haveing her sailes furled
and had also her yards and Topmaste shanks, notwithstandinge which
Anchors did give way and came home, And the sayd shipp strucke
on the Sands And therefore were forced to cutt her Cables, and could not
fflatt the shipp by reason the Rudder was gone before after which they
came to án Anchor which warren lett fall to soone else the shipp had
run into deeper water and might in this deponents Judgment have bin save from such danger
that Anchor had not bin dropt to soone; And saith the said shipp did
ground in low water uppon the edge of á Sand, And saith that alsoe
the premisses the weather grewe stormy, insoe mućh that the company and
passengers for the safetyes of theire lives, did intend to betake carefely
to theire boate, ánd when the boat was full, they in the Boat would
suffer noe more to come downe to them (the Skiffe beinge formerly
away with 6. men in her) And soe went on shoare leaving the Master
and ábout halfe á dozen more in the ship; But saith that by Gods
great Providence about, 12 â clocke that night the Shipp being floated
the Cable was Cutt and shee fell off the sands, into deeper water
the Master and company takeing advantage of Ran her áshoare
for the safetys of theire lives. And hee saith that all those inconvieniances
interrogate were occasioned by the wilfullnes or Carlessnes of James Waren
the Pilot, all the men in the shipp being obedient to him neither
did the master contradict him in anythinge concerninge the Piloting
of the said shipp. And further to this Interrogatory cannot answer.



The sixth of ffebruary 1655.

John Baker and Company owners of}
the shipp the ffortune (Jacob hast key}
Master) against Thomas Corbet.}

Exámined upon an allegation given
on the behalfe of the said Baker
28 January last.

Rp. .j.

Jurian Maes of dantzicke sailer, aged 37
yeeres or thereabouts sworne and exámined.

To the first ánd second árticles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
that in or about the moneth of August last past the said shipp the
ffortune did at or neere Dantzicke take in and receive of her lading of
Merchandizes namely clapboard, wainscot and packs of linnen, which hee saith
were well and carefully stowed in the said shipps hold, and were alsoe
dennaged for the better preservation of the same, and were to be transported
to this port of London, towards which shee sett saile with the said goods
from Dantzike in or about the said moneth of August last, and on or about
the five and twentieth of the said moneth (old stile) being in her course
for London, and alsoe on or about the first and eighth twentieth
of September and eleaventh of October shee met with very fowle