HCA 13/71 f.499r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.499r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Mariner Masters Mate of the Samuell aged forty
two yeares or therabouts a wittnes sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet:

To the first and second articles of the sayd allegation hee saith and
deposeth that the articulate William Lee with the shipp the Samuell and the
articulate William Otter with the shipp the Providence came in Company
together upon the fifth day of September 1656 from Newcastle and being
to the Northwards of Scarborough Castle, and the winde being then contrary
at south, upon the sixth of the sayd moneth the Samuell stood off, and the
Providence stood in, and soe came neere one the other, whereupon the
sayd Otter or some of his Company both called out, and alsoe waved
to the Company of the Samuell to beare up, whereupon
the sayd Lee in order to doe as the sayd Otter desyred and to avoide
all danger which afterwards ensued, did accordingly cause John
deane the Carpenter who was then at the helme of the Samuell to beare
up the helme, and cause his Company of the Samuell to brace the mayne
sayle and mayne topsayle in the winde, and brayle up the mizen and
used all meanes possible to goe to the Lee ward of the Providence
and to gett cleere of her and to prevent any doeing any
dammage to, or receaveing any dammage from the sayd Otters shipp,
But the sayd Otter notwithstanding hee or his companie had both called to and waved
to the Company of the Samuell as aforesayd, did not use any meanes
either by putting his shipp Providence on the stayes or otherwise from
to prevente her comming fowle of the Samuell but being to
the weather of the Samuell, came with full sayle and [?rane]
stemmelings aboard her, and with the force thereof brake downe the
Samuells heads, and carried away about twenty foote of her stearne
and brake downe her forecastle and three beames of her upper deck,
and carried away a peece of planke of about two foote longe under
her fore channell, and soe dammnified the Samuell that this deponent
and others of her Company by reason of her leakinesse occasioned
by the meanes aforesayd, did verily thinke that shee would presently
have foundered in the sea and bin lost both shee and her ladeing
of Coales and that all her Company could alsoe have perished
thereby, and one who was a passenger aboard the Samuell seeing
the danger shee was in and being doubtfull to perish in her, gott out of
her aboard the Providence, and this deponent seeing the danger the
Samuell was in, did call out to the Company of the Providence and
desyre them to staye till the Samuells Company could gett their boats
out to gett aboard the Providence, but the Providence her Master and
Company tooke noe care for preserveing any of the Samuells Company
but filled their sayles and stood away to sea from them and left
them to the mercie of the sea, and the sayd Passenger comming afterwards
againe aboard the Samuell after after shee gott into Scarborough (whether shee