HCA 13/71 f.497r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 497 |
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IMAGE: P1140161.JPG | |
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Janet Few | |
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2012/12/10 | |
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Edited on 27/5/2013 by Jill Wilcox |
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what they are accompted as touching their abilities, hee this deponent
having never been at Greeneland before the voyage in question and further
hee cannot answer having never heard them speake anything to the
effect Interrogate
To the 10th hee saith the sayd damerell did not loose the Company of
the fower London shipps by such his workeing further into the Ice then they
did, but did when hee was gotten out to sea recover their Company,
and helpe the other shipps to save preserve the sayd Pybus his shipp
which was ready to sinke by a hurt receaved by the Ice in her workeing
out to sea, and after kept them Company to ducke Cove where they
attempted to gaine harbour but could not, and thence came back in
Company about five leagues from the Ice at darke Cove towards Greene
land, and then foggie and stormie weather happening, the Owners Adventure
thereby lost the Company of the sayd fower shipps, and alsoe the Company
of the Greyhounds but mett the Greyhound afterwards upon the Coast of
Greenland in Company of a dutch shipp And saith the sayd
damerell did severall tymes after his coming out of the Ice as aforesayd Command his Company of the Owners
Adventure to attempt to gett in the Ice, and that the sayd Gosling
did saye allwaise that there was noe getting in and that it was
impossible to gett in that yeare and that hee beleeved noe shipps
had gott into harbour in Greeneland that yeare or words to that effect,
and saith that the sayd shipp Owners Adventure and Greyhounds Companyes by
reason they did not gett into harbour did suffer some extremities and
and some of them fell sick of the scurvie and some of the Greyhounds Company dyed thereof, but not
through any default of the sayd damerell soe farr as hee this deponent
could observe, who was willing and ready to endeavour to gaine a
harbour but was hindered as aforesayd by the sayd Goslings discourageing
the Company, and saith the sayd damerell did in deede meete with
some dutch shipps, and did goe on board of one of them, but saith
hee beeleveth the voyage was noe way hindered th thereby for that
but rather furthered, for that the sayd dutch men permitted the
the sayd Damerells Company to take the bloober of about three score
sea horses which they had killed upon a place called hope Island and hee this deponent helped to bloober their as alsoe divers others of the Companyes of the Owners Adventure and Greyhound did˺
and saith the sayd damerell gott out of the Ice about the latter end
June but the certayne day hee remembereth not, and saith that after
the comming out of the Ice the sayd Gosling Maundrie humfreys and other
Harponeeres had difference with the Master and refused to obey his
Command about helpeing to kill the whale aforesayd, and the sayd
Gosling at such tymes as the Master could have put into the
Ice did as aforesayd saye it was impossible to gett in and noe shipps
could gett in that yeare, or to that effect and the sayd Gosling fell out
with the sayd damerell about a sea horse tooth which damerell demanded
of him and they called each other roague and knave and such other reproachfull
termes And further saving his foregoin deposition hee cannot answer
To the last Interrogatorie hee saith saving his foregoeing