HCA 13/71 f.490v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.490v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the last hee saith saving his foregoeing deposition to the sixth article of
the libell hee cannot depose saving hee saith that after the sayd hum[phrey GUTTER]
and his Company of his shallopp (whereof this deponent was one) and the sayd
Parkers shallopp and Company thereof, had as is predeposed cutt [XX GUTTER]
the sayd whale, the sayd Damerell in presence of this deponent and the sayd
shallopps Companyes, did on board the Owners Adventure declare
they (meaning as this deponent understood him) all that pursued the
sayd whale had done their utmost endeavour to take her or words
to that effect, And the sayd Maundry and Gosling did in this deponents
Judgement doe what they could to kill the sayd whale And further to
his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose/

Repeated before Collonel Cork

Tho Chantr[?all] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 9th day of January 1656/

Examined upon the sayd Libell./


Edward Ashmore of Saint Mary Matsellon alias Whitechappell
London Butcher aged 42 yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse
sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth, videlicet./

To the first second and third articles of the sayd libell hee saith that the arlate
Batson Beane and Goldene in the moneths and tyme arlate were commonly
reputed the lawfull Owners freighters and Imployers of the Greyhound
and ffreighters and Imployers also of the Owners Adventure (a shipp
by them) And saith both the sayd shipps were by them fitted with all things
necessarie for the voyage in question which was a fishing voyage from this Port
of London to any ports or places of Greeneland and soe home againe And saith the arlate damarell
did goe Master of the Owners Adventure and alsoe Commander and d[irector GUTTER]
of the Greyhound for the sayd voyage and had the Command and ordering [of GUTTER]
both the sayd shipps and their Mariners and others belonging to them committed to him for the sayd voyage, And was s[oe XXXXX GUTTER]
Master and had (as hee beleeveth) the sayd Command soe Committed to him by the sayd Batson [Beane GUTTER]
and Golderne And that the arlate Gosling and Maundrie did goe Mates of the
Owners Adventure, and the arlate humfreys as one of her Company and a har[poneere GUTTER]
for the sayd voyage, which was to any Port or Place in Greeneland according [as the GUTTER]
sayd damerell should in his discretion see fitt and most advantagious for
fishing designe and Could best gett into with the sayd shipps, And saith the sayd [shipp GUTTER]
being soe fitted with all things necessary for their voyage, the sayd damarell [as GUTTER]
Master and Commander and the sayd Gosling and Maundrey as his Mates and the sayd humfreys
this deponent and others belonging to the sayd shipps, did sett sayle [towards GUTTER]
Greeneland upon a fishing imployment and arived safely upon the Coast of
Greeneland within about fower or five leagues of Bell Point this hee deposeth upon the grounds of knowledge being one of the Owners Adventures Company And further to
these articles hee cannot depose./

To the 4th and 5th articles of the sayd libell hee saith that after the arival
of the sayd two shipps upon the Coast of Greeneland they in Company of [fower GUTTER]
London shipps put into the Ice togeather and after they had wrought in
about seaven or eight leagues, the Owners Adventure and Greayhound, and [XXXX GUTTER]
the shipps of one Goulding and Welch made fast board and board one of an other
and soe laye for many howers, and after they had soe layne still, the sayd
Damerell havinge in the meane tyme bin on board the sayd Gouldings [vessell GUTTER]
did XXX