HCA 13/71 f.485v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.485v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


to sea againe, the Company of the Owners Adventure having espied a whale
the sayd Maundrie Gosling and William humfreys and Richard Parker and
Mathew Bowlding all harponeeres went out in severall shallopps to chase
and kill the sayd whale, and chased her for the space of sixe or eight howers
but this deponent continueing a board the Owners Adventure and not
goeing in any of the sayd shallopps to assiste the harponeeres as others
of the sayd shipps Company did (every harponeere haveing to assiste him
in his shallop fower rowers and a steeres man) cannot of his owne certaine
knowledge relate every of the particular passages touching the chaseing the sayd
whale, but did from on board observe that they chased her a long tyme and
that her motion was very swifte, in soe much that the sayd shipp could not
keepe way with her, and that shee being struck by the sayd Parker who
fastned his warpe to her did towe both him and the sayd Maundries and
Gostlings shallops soe fast (they having made fast their boates one to
another to clogge and tyre her with) that at length the sayd Gostling (sic) and
Maundrey and all the other shallops except the sayd Parker who contiinued
fast to her Cast off their fasts which they had fastned to Parkers shallopp
and left further pursueing the sayd whale and came aboard the Owners Ad=
venture, and the Master askeing them why they gave over the pursuite
seeing Parker continued fast to the whale, they the sayd Gosling, Maundrie
and humphreys sayd that shee moved soe swifte that they could not keepe upp
with her nor gett up with her neither to launce her nor or fasten more Irons in her, and thus GUTTER
gave over the chase, and saith that not longe after the sayd Parker seeing none GUTTER
of the other shallopps returne to his assistance, cut his warpe and lett the
whale goe and came alsoe on board And further cannot depose/

To the 7th hee saith that when the sayd Gosling and Maundrie did in manner
predeposed disobey the Commands of the sayd damerell in workeing the sayd
shipp Owners Adventure further in towards shoare, and by such their speeches discourage
the rest of the sayd shipps Company from doeing the same, the sayd shipp
was in this deponents Judgment within sixe or seaven leagues of shoare
and soe farr as this deponent could discover, and as hee verily beleeveth
might as safely have gotten to shoare as made her way back to Sea
And saith hee hath used the Greeneland ffishing many yeares, and hath
made eleaven or twelve severall voyages thither as a Cooper, and
hath thereby observed that some yeares the shipp hee hath gone in hath layn
fast in Ice three weekes togeather, and farther from shoare by much than
the Owners Adventure and Greyhound were the tyme arelate when they putt back againe to Sea
and yet have gained an oportunitie to make to shoare and have gott to shoare
and made a good voyage, and some voyages thither this deponent hath made
when as they have mett with noe Ice at all at Sea And further to this article
hee cannot depose./

To the 8th and 9th hee saith the arlate John Maundrie his shipp did not at all keepe
company with the Owners Adventure, but only being neere her and the sayd
Pybus Welch Golding and Childs shipps before they went all into the Ice, did
hale them and salute them with a peece of Ordnance and soe departed, And
saith the sayd other fower shipps (as hee hath heard some of their Companye
saye) did after they lost the Company of the Owners Adventure and Greyhound
when they came back out of the Ice to Sea, gett some of them into Greene harbour
and the rest into PXXXXXX and made a considerable voyage (as they sayd) And XXX GUTTER