HCA 13/71 f.484r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.484r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


suffered not any hard shipp by this deponents mennes endeavouring
to gett to Ducke Cove by his goeing on board the sayd ffleming, but
what hardshipp they endured was because they could not gett
to harbour and lost this oportunity of getting to harbour by their
disobeying this deponents commands the tyme predeposed of, and could
never afterward meete with the like oportunitie of getting to harbour during
the whole voyage, and saith hee hath heard that the other foure
shipps after they were by storme and foggie weather parted from
the company of the Owners Adventure and Greyhound, did gett
into Greene Harbour and Port Nick and there killed whales and
made a good voyage, the sayd and saith the disobedience of
the sayd Gosling and Maundrie (and the rest of the Company of
Owners Adventure by their mutinous words, and persuasions aforesayd)
was in this deponents judgement the same and only cause which
the sayd shipp Owners Adventure lost oportunitie aforesayd of getting
into Greene harbour where they might have killed whales
and made a good voyage (as hee hath heard and verily beleeveth the
other shipps did) And hee saith there was noe difference in words
betwixt the sayd Gosling and Manndrie and this deponent as touching
the voyage in question after the sayd 17th day of June other
than what hee hath before declared and doth by virtue of his
oath declare that the sayd Mutinous behaviour and language
of the sayd Gosling and Maundry by them used on the 16th and 17th
dayes of June were the cause of the voiage in question proved
soe insuccesefull as it did, and saith that difference happened
by the default of the sayd Gosling and Maundrie and not by any
default of this deponent, this deponent using his utmost
endeavour to have made the sayd voyage successfull and endeavouring
as aforesayd after his coming out to sea to have gott into Ducke
Cove and at the then place before expressed and further saving his foregoing deposition hee cannot asnwere/

To the last Interrogatorie hee saith hee hath fully answered the particulars
thereof in his foregoing deposition to the sixth article of the libell
and saving his foregoing deposition cannot answere otherwise than negatively

Repeated before John Godolphin

Thomas Damerell [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The first day of January 1656/

Examined upon the foresayd libell/


Edmond Reynolds of the parish of Saint Bultolph Algate
London Cooper and Cooper of the Owners Adventure for the
voyage in question aged fifty yeares or thereabouts a
wittnesse sworne and examined saith and deposeth as
followeth videlicet./

To the first article of the sayd libell hee saith that in the monthe and tyme