HCA 13/71 f.469r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 469 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 26/03/2013 | |
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IMAGE: P1140105.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/03/26 | |
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Edited on 31/08/2013 by Colin Greenstreet |
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the like in effect what is that to you, I looke not upon you as one that is to
bee made acquainted with that, whereto the sayd Gosling replyed to this effect
I was told by the Merchants our Imployers when I was hyred, that you (meaning
the sayd Damerell) were to doe nothing of great concernement touching this voyage
without the advise of your mates and harponeeres, and therefore I pray consider what you
doe, for it is good to take neighbours fare, there no as able men in the other
shipps (meaning the sayd Welches Childs Pybus and Goldings shipps) as any
are in ours, and as desyrous to advance their voyage as wee, and they doe
not worke any further in why then should wee if wee leave our
Company wee may come to repent it too late, whereto the sayd damerell
answereing in an angrie manner, sayd to the sayd Gosling Jus or the like
in effect, I looke upon you but as the Cabbin boy
and as a simple fellowe,
with which words the sayd Gosling being provoked, thereupon
replyed and sayd thus or the like in effect wee will goe noe further except there were better hopes
of getting to harbour, and thereupon severall angrie words passing betwixt
the sayd Gosling and damerell which this deponent doth
not now remember, the sayd damerell at length called the sayd Gosling
pimpeing rogue, and gave him other opprobious language which not=
withstanding the sayd damerell still continueing his commands to
have the sayd shipp Owners Adventure wrought further into the Ice and
the shallopps being by the sayd shipps Company made ready to that purpose
while the words predeposed of happened betwixt the sayd damerell and Gosling,
the sayd Gosling and Maundry and all the rest of the sayd shipps
Company of which this deponent was one) did obey the Commands of the sayd
damerell and did labour very earnestly from the sayd 17th day of June
last at which tyme they left the company of the other fower shipps to the eighteenth thereof to worke the sayd shipp futher into the Ice
according to the sayd Damerells Commands, and in that tyme did worke her
about fower or five myles further into the Ice towards shoare than the other
fower shipps whose companyes they had left did goe, and did not the sayd
Gosling and Maundry did not (soe farr as hee this deponent could or did
see and observe) either by words or actions disobey the sayd damerells com=
mands after the words predeposed of spoken before they forsooke the Company
of the other fower shipps, nor encourage any others to doe soe, and the sayd shipp
being wrought 4 or 5 myles further into the Ice as aforesayd, the sayd shipp
was by the sayd damerells Command made fast to a peece of Ice, and after
shee had soe continued fastned about twelve or fowerteene howers there
others of the sayd shipp Owners Adventures Company then on the deck
sayd, that if the other fower shipps which they had left did endeavour to worke
in after him, then his shipp was soe much foreward as then theirs, and that
hee would then worke farther in toward shoare, but if the sayd other fower
shipps did worke out againe to Sea hee would doe the like, and did accordingly
order some of the sayd shipps Company (but who by name hee now remembreth
not) to goe up into the shrowdes to discover which way the heads of the said shipps