HCA 13/71 f.466r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.466r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of the sayd damorell and worke in getteing the sayd blubber on board
though with great hazard of their lives And further to this article
hee cannot depose./

To the 11th article of the sayd allegation hee saith hee beleeveth that the sayd
damorell after the shipp arlate had wrought out of the Ice as is predeposed
had kept at sea neere the see to hand attendend after a fitt oportunitie, and had
not kept Company with the dutch shipps and followed his owne fancy
without takeing any advice of his Mates and other the harponeeres of of
his sayd shipp he might have gotten into harbour as hee and killed
whales as hee hath heard some of the Companyes of the sayd
fower shipps whereof the sayd Pybus Goulding Welch and Child were
Master sayd and affirme they did after they lost the Company of the
sayd damorell, And said soe farr as hee could and did observe the
sayd Maundrey and Goslin were not cause of nor acted or did anything
to overthrowe the voyage in question but were obedient to the sayd
damorells Commands, and what hinderance hath bin made of the
sayd voyage happened (in this deponents judgement and as hee beleeveth)
by the sayd Damorells roaving at sea and keepeing Company
with the dutch shipps and not endeavouring to gett into harbour, as this
this deponent verily beleeveth hee might have done if hee endeavoured
the same And further to this article he cannot depose

To the 12th hee saith that hee hath knowne the sayd Goslin for these sixe
or seaven yeares and gone in severall shipps with him severall voyages wherein
the sayd Goslin hath served as Masters mate and observed that in all these
voyages he behaved himselfe civilly and was carefull of his task committed
to him and was reputed an able and experienced seaman and a man of
good life and conversation And saith hee hath knowne the sayde Maundrie
only during the voyage in question and ever since, and saith hee behaved him
selfe therein honestly and discharged his duty faithfully as also
the sayd Goslin therein did and that they are both reputed able sea men
and persons of good life and conversation and further
saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot depose

To the 13th hee saith that he was present with the said Maundrie
Goslin and other Company of Owners Adventure when they had
stricken a whale (being as hee beleeveth the whale in this article
mentioned) and knoweth that the sayd Maundrie Goslin and this deponent
and others of the said shipps Company did pursue the sayd whale after
they had made fast to her by the space of tenn houres together or thereabouts
and saith shee being struck in her hinider parts ranne soe fast and
soe farr into a growne sea that all the boates who pursued her
were in danger to bee cast away which notwithstanding the arlate
Goslin held soe long and hard that the roape that hee held was
ready to fire in the boates stemme and whilst hee had soe hold of
her hee saith the sayd damorell seeing the danger and that the