HCA 13/71 f.456v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.456v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


that accordingly hee this deponent did send the said twelve hogsheads
of Copperas aboard the said shipp the said next tyde (after such them
speaking together) in a lighter, putting them into the said lighter at
Saint Saviours dock, near unto which the said shipp then lay
And otherwise saving his former examination in this Cause hee cannot

Repeated before the two Judges in Court.



The 2 of January 1656.

Lord Protector against the goods in the shipp the harderinne}
by the Middleburowe frigot, and Godfrey}
and others against the same. Budd. Cheeke.}

Exámined upon an allegation [?XXXX GUTTER]
given in 22 december last, on the behalfe
of the said Godfrey and others.

Cheeke dt.

notice sent to Mr. Budd by Tom.
and John told mee his Master. could give none.


Bennett Flute of Ratcliffe Mariner aged
27 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and exámined

To the first and second articles of the said allegation hee saith and
deposeth that within the time arlate the shipp the Middleburowe
frigot arlate was in the immediate service of this Commonwealth
and imployed in the service thereof as a man of warr against the dutch
ffrench and other the then Enemies of this said Commonwealth, and
the arlate William Godfrey was then Commander of the said
frigot, and was with his company in the immediate service of
this Commonwealth therein, and being soe in the said service
they with the said frigot in or about the moneth of May [?16XX]
gave chase off the Lizard to a certaine shipp called the [?hXXX]
(being the harderinne arlate) and comming up with and haling her
commanded her to strike and submit, which not withstanding, her
master and company refused, and did not strike their topsaile and
submit, whereupon the said Godfrey and company fired severall
gunns at her from the Middleborowe frigot, and still [?persisted]
in her obstinacie and rufusing to strike, some of the company of the
said frigot by their said Captaines command clapt her aboard in
their boate, and forcibly entred and seized her and her lading and
possessed themselves thereof, running therein greate hazard of their
lives, the said shipp the harderinne not having before submitted,
All which hee knoweth for that hee this examinate was then [?Lieutennant]
of the said frigot, and went in the said boate, and commanded the
company that soe went and clapt the said shipp aboard and [?seized]
her, being all well armed for that purpose. And further hee
cannot depose.

To the third hee referreth him selfe the act or ordinance of [?Parliament]

To the fourth article and the schedule annexed now showne and read [?unto]
him hee saith and deposeth that at the time of the said seizure