HCA 13/71 f.444v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.444v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


sayd shipp Recovery the sayd Turley receaved a mischance, which mischance (as hee afterwards confessed to this
deponent and as this deponent heard by severall of the sayd shipps Company)
he receaved by a fall on shipp board, (a scuttle of the shipp being open,) and
this deponent sawe him the same evening about tenn a clock at night brought
into the sayd Yonges house very sore hurt not able to goe of him selfe but as hee was
held up betweene two men and was scarce able to speake by reason of the
paine hee was in, and this deponent heard the Chirurgion who had him
in Care saye, that by the sayd fall there was some of his Ribbs broken
And this deponent sawe him layed into bedd and did visite him severall
tymes in the tyme hee this deponent stayed at Berghen after the sayd
mischance happened (which was about fifteene or sixteene days) And
saith hee alsoe well knoweth that in the tyme the sayd Turley was ill
of the sayd disaster the sayd Cutberd did cause the sayd shipps outward
ladeing brought from England to be brought on shoare, and
hyred a warehouse or shopp to lay them and to make sale of them in,
and did dayly sell off the outward Cargoe and buy a great
part of the homeward Cargoe while the sayd Turley continued ill
of the hurt receaved as aforesayd, and the sayd Cutberd for the
better secureing the outward Cargo till it could be sould, did frequently
lye on shoare in the sayd Warehouse or shopp to watch the sayd, goods,
and this deponent the better knoweth the same for that hee and other Merchants
who laye at the sayd Yonges house having occasion to bee sometymes very late
aboard and sometymes very early up did knocke at the sayd
shopp as they went by early and late, to see whether all were safe and
whether anybody was within, and were answered upon their
soe knocking by the sayd Cutberd, and knoweth of his the sayd
Cutberd selling the sayd Outward Cargoe or the greatest part thereof
for that hee was this deponent was often at the shopp a foresayd and
sawe him make sale of much of the sayd goods, and did knoweth
hee kept a dayly Accompt of the sale of them, for that hee helped him severall
tymes as hee this deponent came by the shopp (or was at leasure)
to write part of his Accompt, And as touching his the sayd Cutberds
buying of a great part of the homeward Cargoe hee saith hee heard sawe
the sayd Cutberd (while the sayd Turley continued soe ill of his
hurte that hee was not able to stirre [?abroard]) buy seaven or eight
lasts of tarre, (part of her homeward Cargoes)
and did heare other Merchants of Berghen (besides those of whome hee saw him buy that quantitie) saye that hee the
sayd Cutberd had bought alsoe of them tarr and deales And saith
that during most part of the tyme that this deponent stayed at
Berghen after the sayd disaster or mischance befell the sayd
Turley, (hee this deponent dayly visiting him being lodged in the
house where hee laye ill) did observe, that hee the sayd Turley was soe
ill that hee was not in a capacity to mannage any busines of buying
or selling, but kept within doores till some few days before this deponents
departure from Berghen, and was then only soe farr recovered as that
with much difficulty and supporte of a staffe hee was able to walk
to the shipp Recoverie, and to the shopp, they being both within a stones
throwing or somewhat better from his lodgeing, And saith hee
experimentally knoweth being him selve a merchant tradeing at Bergen
and other places in Norway that the sayd Cutberd
could not there drive bargaines and buy and sell (as hee did) without being