HCA 13/71 f.438v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.438v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


howbeit hee saith the said monsieur de la Rosse and company slighting
and neglecting such their notice and admonition, (and yet acknowledging
that they had notice of the said Peace before their comming from ffrance
which that comming thence they confessed was about the end of November 1655) went out
to make the said seizure, and by force and in a hostile manner tooke
and seized the said shipp, tackle, apparell, furniture and guns,
with her said lading of copper barrs and other goods, and her
provisions and necessaries, turning the said ffishbell and company
(after they had beate and very ill intreated them) ashore, and having
soe possessed themselves of the said shipp and lading and dispoiled
the said ffishbell and company thereof, they tooke out her lading
of copper barrs shott, mastes, sailes, rigging, provisions and
other appurtenances into their owne shipps, and then at a high water
marke set her hull on fire and burnt the same, to the greate
losse and dammage of the said owners, all which hee knoweth
being sailemaker of the said shipp Justice, and present and
seeing the premisses soe done. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the sixth hee saith the said shipp Justice was of the
burthen of an hundred and fourtie tunnes or thereabouts, and
late built, and newly (before shee went hence) sheated and rigged,
and was at the time of the said seizure and spoile, with her
gunns, sailes, shrowds powder, ammunition tackle, apparrell
and furniture well worth in his estimation the summe of thirteene
hundred pounds sterling, and that her lading of copper barrs, and other
goods necessaries and provisions, were alsoe then worth
in his estimation the like summe of thirteene hundred
pounds, And otherwise cannot depose.

To the seventh hee saith the said shipp at the time of the said
spoile was in pay of the said [?Mayler] and company at ffiftie
pounds stereling per moneth for seaven or eight monethes, and
saith shee would have made for freight from the Barbadoes
to London 400 li sterling cleare of all expenses and victualls,
and soe much other shipps of like burthen doe ordinarily make
which hee knoweth having used that voyage. And otherwise hee
cannot depose, saving the said shipp if shee had come to the
Barbadoes the said voyage (as shee was designed) was there to
have bin delivered up to the said owners or their use.

Repeated with his precontest before
doctor Godolphin.

[MARK] The marke of Lewis Maddock [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The third of December 1656. [CENTRE HEADING]

De haze and others against Mr.}
ffernandez and Mr kilvert.}

Exámined upon the fore said allegation on the
behalfe of de haze and other.

Rp. ?X ?X priori


John Rumbout of Middleborowe Skipper aged
46 yeeres or thereabouts. sworne and exámined.

To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth that
hee well knoweth the producents Michael de haze and ffoppe
Wessells and soe hath donne for eighteene yeeres last past, and