HCA 13/71 f.437v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.437v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


shipp to freight for a voyage to be made therewith from this Port for
Ginney and back againe thense to the Barbada's, and laded her with
copper barrs and severall other goods and merchandized for their owne
account, to be disposed of at Ginney for their said account, which
hee knoweth being shipped Gunner by them, and seeing the lading
of the said goods, of which they and company were commonly accounted the owners.

To the third hee referreth himselfe to the articles of Peace arlate.

To the fourth and fifth articles hee saith and deposeth that the said
shipp the Justice with her said lading of copper barrs and other
goods was in the moneth of January 1655 at
the Cape Sierra-Lione in Ginney to take in wood and water (for
which that place is free for English and that the arlate Monsieur del la Rosa
Commander of a ffrench shipp called the dutches and company aboard
her and other shipps of warr belonging to the king of ffrance or
his subiects, (of which shipps the said shipp dutches commanded by
the said monsieur de la Rosa was Admirall) being at the said Cape
Peace and amitie, on or about the second day of January last
sett upon tooke and seize the said shipp Justice and her tackle and
furniture together with all her provisions and materialls, And this
hee saith they did notwithstanding that there the said John ffishbell
and others of his company did (as hee deposeth they did) tell and
acquaint the said monsieur de la Rosa and his company that there
was Peace and amitie concluded by and betweene England and
ffrance and the subiects of both those nations, and therefore
desired them to dessist from such violence and seizure,
whereupon the said Monsieur de la Rosa and others of his
company feared and were very angry because the said ffishbell
and company tooke notice thereof, and used words tending to this
effect, that they alsoe had notice of the said Peace at their comming
from ffrance, whense they acknowledged they came about the end of [?March GUTTER]
next precedent; howbeit hee saith the said Monsieur de
la Rosa and company proceeded with many threats and much
violence to the said seizure, and did actually seize her, and her
lading and materialls and provisions aforesaid, and dispossessed and
dispoiled the said ffishbell and company (as alsoe the owners) thereof
and tooke her all her said lading of copper barrs, shott, sailes, masts
rigging, provisions and appurtenances into their said shipp ffrench
shipps, and having soe downe they set fire on the said shipp and
burnt her, and this hee saith was and is true publique and
notorious. Which hee knoweth being present, and Gunner of the
said shipp the Justice and seeing the premisses soe donne.

To the sixth hee saith the said shipp the Justice at the time of the
said spoile or seizure was of the burthen of an hundred and fourtie
tonns or neare thereabouts, and not them above two yeares old, and
was upon her proceeding hence newe sheathed and rigged, And that