HCA 13/71 f.436r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.436r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


ánd the shipp nowe lying in the River of Colchester at
Wivenell by the name of the Pilgrim under a dutch master (and
by arrest of this Court there staid) was and is one and the same shipp
and not diverse, which hee knoweth for that hee with his contests
John Robson, and Mathew Willum went about a fortnight since there
aboard her, and found her by many signes to be the same
this deponent having well knowne her and sailed in
her three yeares together before the foresaid seizure ánd in particular hee tooke notice of her
[?scutle] about the mainemast, which this deponent and another of the
company had made when shee was in their possession. And otherwise
hee cannot depose.



The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]

Exámined upon the foresaid allegation.

Rp. 3

Mathew Willum of Alborough Sailer, aged 23 yeeres or
thereabouts sworne and exámined.

To the first hee saith hee welll knoweth the shipp the Edward
and John (now called the Pilgrim) and hath soe donne from the time
of her building, which was donne at Alborough in this deponents
sight about seaven yeares since and this deponent sailed in her
about foure yeeres together before her seizure hereafter mentioned.
And saith the said Captaine Gr[?een]e and company arlate (whom hee
alsoe well knoweth), were the time arlate and are her owners and
for such commonly accompted.

To the second and third articles hee saith and deposeth that about
the end of March last the said owners set out the said shipp from
Alborough under the conduct of the precontest John Robson her
master to goe on a voyage to Island (sic) to lade ffish and retourne
for England, and saith that having bin the sayd voyage at Island
and retourning for England with her lading of fish, running on
the coast of Scotland, and being in the quiet possession of the said
master to her said owners use, and then quietly sailing her, upon
shee was upon the high and open sea violently set upon
surprized and taken by a certaine shipp of warr called the Coach
commanded by one Joseph [?Mervot] (as hee hath heard his name to be) who putting men of his
owne aboard her, sent her (with three of the said Robsons men
amongst them) quite away, and soe utterly deprived and spoiled
the said master and owner of her, all which hee knoweth being
one of her company and going the said voyage, and being by the
said man of warr taken out of her, and afterwards with three
more of her company turned ashore in Scotland. And otherwise
hee cannot depose

To the 4th hee cannot depose.

To the 5th hee saith that the said shipp the Edward and John soe taken
away by the said [?Mervot], and the shipp Edward and John
lying under arrest of this Court at Wivenell and now called the Pilgrim
was and is one and the same shipp and not divers, which hee knoweth