HCA 13/71 f.435r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.435r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



The 28th of November 1656.

John Green and company ágainst the
Edward and John and against henry
Baldero and others. Smyth. Suckley

Exámined upon the allegation given in on the
behalfe of the said Bellamy and others

John Robson of Aldborough in Suffolk mariner, aged
35 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and exámined.

To the first árticle hee saith and deposeth that hee well knewe and knoweth the
shipp the Edward and John arlate nowe called the Pilgrim and was Master of her to the time of
her taking by the Dunkirkers which was on the 19th day of July last
and thereby well knoweth that the producents John Greene and Company
arlate were the time arlate and the true and lawfull owners of the
said shipp tackle and furniture, and for such commonly accompted, this
deponent being put master of her by them, and still they are or ought
to be her be owners of the said shipp the Edward and John nowe called the

To the second article hee saith that in or about the time of arlate
namely about the end of March last past the said John Greene
and company set out and imployed the said shipp from Alborow to goe upon a voyage
from hence to Island and soe to retourne to England under the command
of this deponent hee who went out master of her, and this deponent
was in the quiet and peaceable possession thereof as master to and
for the use of the said producents.

To the third hee saith that this deponent having bin with the said shipp
the said voyage of Island and (retourning for London) comming on the
coast of Scotland, and being the quiet and peaceable possession of
the said shipp for the said producents use and sailing peaceably with
her in their service, was upon the high and open seas on the coast
aforesaid met with and the said shipp with her lading hastily set
upon surprized and taken by a certaine shipp called the Coach
whereof Joseph Newet was commander and carried to Embden
thense to the Texel in holland, thense to the Maza and soe to
Delphs-haven in holland, the premisses touching the said
seizure hee well knoweth being then master of her, and taken out
of her into the said man of warr the Coach, and saith the said seizure
soe happened on the 19th of July last, or thereabouts. And lastly
saith that this deponent and company and the said owners were by the
said seizure dispoiled and deprived of the said shipp the Edward and John
(usual called the Pilgrim) which was carried away by the said takers with three of this deponents men in her
And otherwise hee cannot depose

To the fowrth hee saith that after the said seizure the said Captaine
Newit having manned and sent away this deponents shipp, kept their
deponents prisoner aboard his man of war and carried him from
place to place ranging the seas, and at length (namely about
thirtie dayes after the said seizure) brought him in his said man
of warr to fflushing, where this deponent was put ashore and
immediately before his turning ashore, the said Newit called him into his
cabbin in here this deponent sawe a marchant-like man, who was come
aboard from fflushing, and was commonly said to live there and to be a
subiect of the states of the united Netherlands, and the said Newit told
this deponent then that person was one of his owners of his said