HCA 13/71 f.420v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.420v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


his particul[?e]r of the same by this deponents score thereof as
the same was stored when fetched as this deponent verily
beleeveth And further hee cannot answere./

To the last hee saith hee hath satisfied the contents thereof in his
foregoing deposition sae fair as hee can./

The marke of the sayd
James [MARKE] Bevan [MARKE, RH SIDE]

Reported in Court before both judges


The 24th day of November 1656/

Examined upon the said Libell

Rp. 2

Thomas Powell of Redriff in County of Surrey
Anchor Smith aged thirty yeares or thereabouts a wittnes
sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet/

To the first and second articles of the sayd libell and the Schedule in
the sayd second article mentioned he saith that the shipp the Redd Lyon or
Lyon was in the moneths of March Aprill and May in the yeare 1656 in
buildeing in the yeard of the arlate Mr Christmas (in the parish of Rederiff)
commonly called the pitche howse and saith in the sayd tyme the sayd shipp
standing in neede of many iron worke the sayd Christmas did repayre
unto the arlate Walter Gough an Anchor Smith to bee furnished with
such Iron worke as the sayd shipp wanted And this deponent then working
with the sayd Gough as a Journey man to him well knoweth that the sayd
Christmas did by him selfe and his servants receave of the sayd
Gough and his servants to bee imployed and used about the sayd shipp the
Redd Lyon or Lyon th[?e]se severall parcells of iron worke following [?being GUTTER]
part of the Iron worke mentioned in the Schedule arlate videlicet bolts [?spikes GUTTER]
and other Iron worke weighing eleven hundred and three pounds and a halfe,
two hundred and a quarter of tenn gr[?o]ate nayles, fower hundred and a halfe
of tenn penny nayles, halfe a hundred of sixe penny nayles, three hun[?dred GUTTER]
of fower penny nayles, Ring bolts and other Iron worke weighing forty eight
pounds and a halfe, two Clench hammers and fower hundred of sixteene [?XXXX GUTTER]
Clench nayles all which Iron worke and nayles at the tyme of their
delivery to the sayd Christmas and his servants were well worth in this
deponents judgment (and [?other] like Iron worke and nayles were as hee verily [XXXX GUTTER]
then at sales) the [?resyestins] rates in the schedule arlate mentioned the [?thmiss GUTTER]
hee deposeth for that hee then wrought as a Journey man with the sayd Gough
and helped to make all the sayd iron worke and nayles, [?deposed] of, and sawe the same
delivered to the sayd Chistmas and saith as hee imployed to fetch them, and
verily beleeveth and is persuaded in his conscience that the sayd [?mr GUTTER]
Christmas did fetch and receive of the sayd Gough and his servants all the
Iron worke and nayles as predeposed of by the order and direction of the owners of
the sayd shipp Redd Lyon or Lyon for whome hee builded the sayd shipp
and verily beleeveth the sayd Iron worke and nayles predeposed of were all used
and imployed about the sayd shipp and further to these articles and the
sayd Schedule hee cannot depose./