HCA 13/71 f.405v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.405v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


to the said English Planters and further saith that at the time of the
said seizure the said shipp the Parrot or Poppagay had aboard her
a good quantitie of tobaccoe, sugar, and ginger ot the growth
and make of America, All which being manifested
and made clearly to appeare to the English Commissioners, they
seized the said shipp, sloope and goods, for and as being good prize
to this Commonwealth, having traded as aforesaid contrary to the
fore mentioned Act of Parliament, All which hee knoweth being
belonging to said frigot, and privie to all her premisses and
otherwise hee cannot depose.



The same day [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the foresaid allegation.

Andrew Hemmerford of the parish of St Mary Magdelen
Bermondsey Mariner, aged 44 yeares
or thereabouts, sworne and examined.

To the first article hee saith and deposeth that hee well knoweth
the shipp the Golden Parrat arlate, and saith she was at the
time of her seizure (hereafter mentioned) a foreigne shipp
belonging to fflushing and not to any of the people of this Nation
and was manned with a dutch master (named John danielson) and
company, all forainers, and fore as such they were commonly
reported, and acknowledged themselves, which hee knoweth being present
at her seizure

To the second hee referreth himselfe to the Act of Parliament

To the third .4. 5 and 6th articles hee saith and deposeth that the in the
moneth of ffebruary 1654 the Selby frigot (Captaine John Clarke
commander) in the immediate service of this Commonwealth riding
at anchor under Mount serrat in the West Indies,
and espying a sloop off at sea, the said Captaine sent out and
to sea where shee was, and those sent, finding her to be dutch
and to be belonging to the said shipp the Parrat which was at Saint
Christophers, brought her in, and the next day the said shipp comm[?ing GUTTER]
in sight shee was alsoe taken by the said frigot, and being [?soe GUTTER]
taken, this deponent went aboard her, and well understanding
and speaking dutch, and discoursing with the boatswaine of the
said shipp the Parrat (a dutchman) touching her and her voyage,
the said boatswaine told this deponent that they were all [?undonne GUTTER]
because (as he said) they were prize, and this deponent asking
him which hee said soe, because (quoth hee) were come with intent
to trade at the English plantations which discourse and confession
of the said boatswaine happened in the fforecastle of the said shipp
the Parrot And further saith that the said shipp the
Golden Parrot had aboard her at the time of the said seizure
Tobaccoes and Sugars of the growth and manufacture of America