HCA 13/71 f.401v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.401v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 24th of October 1656

Warner against Howe and Watson/

Examined upon the libell on behalfe of the sayd Warner./

against Warner 7

George ffaulckoner of London Merchant and supracargo
of the shipp Alexander the voyage in question aged 40 yeares
or thereabouts a witness sworne and examined saith and deposeth
as followeth videlicet./

To the first article of the sayd libell hee saith that the arlate William Watson
during the moneths of September October November december January
ffebruary and May in the year 1653 and untill about the latter end
of August 1654 was Commonly accompted and reputed to bee the Master
of the arlate shipp the Alexander, and of this deponents knowledge did
goe Master of her the voyage in question and had the charge government and
disposell of her during the sayd voyage as Master of her This hee deposeth
for that hee went Supracargo of the sayd shipp the sayd voyage

To the 2 and third articles of the sayd Libell hee saith hee cannot of his
certayne knowledge depose to the contents of them for that hee was not a wittnes[?s GUTTER]
present at the signeing sealing and delivery of the schedule in the third article
mentioned hee being in Ireland at the tyme of the sigening sealing and
delivery of the same by the arlate William Watson but hath hear the sayd
Watson after his arrivall in Virginia Confesse and saye that hee had
Contracted with the arlate Armiger Warner and lett him the sayd shipp
to ffreight for a voyage to bee made from ffalmouth in England to Corke in
Ireland and thense to Yorke River or Rapahannack in Virgina
thense to London and to lade in Virginia and bring thense to London three
hundred tonnes of Tobaccoe accompting fower Virginia hogsheads to
every tonne And further to these articles hee cannot depose saving
his subsequent deposition./

To the 4th 5th and 6th articles of the sayd libell hee saith that hee being Supracargo
as aforesayd hath heard the sayd Watson acknowledge that hee receaved severall letters sent from one Mr Marston the [rXXX GUTTER]
sole owner of the sayd shipp the Alexander to Ireland before her departure
thence to Virginia desyring him the sayd Watson to be carefull to performe
all things on his part to be performed touching the sayd voyage or to that
effect And saith that hee hath heard the sayd Captaine Watson alsoe
confesse and acknowledge that the sayd Warner was to victuall the sayd
shipp for the sayd voyage and pay Mariners wages, and over and about th[is GUTTER]
charge to pay fowerscore and five pounds a moneth for soe longe tyme
as shee continued upon the sayd voyage in lie[?u] of three hundred
tunnes of Tobaccoe at fower hogsheads to the Tonne which hee the sayd
Watson was to lade aboard the sayd shipp at Virginia and transporte
thense to London And hee this deponent well knoweth that hee this deponenet
in order to the performance of such things as were agreed to be performed
on the behalfe to the sayd Warner did cause to be paid unto the sayd GUTTER]
Watson at Corke in Ireland a hundred pounds in money towards the
payment of Mariners wages, And alsoe saith that after the rate of
fower Virginia hogsheads to the Tonne the sayd Watson ought for the
compleateing of the three hundred Tonnes of tobaccoe by him to have
bin brought thense in the sayd shipp to have laden twelve hundred
Virginia hogsheads of tobaccoe and noe lesse And further hee cannot depose/

To the 7th and 8th and 9th articles of the libell hee saith that for that hee went