HCA 13/71 f.388r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 388 |
Side | Recto |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 19/03/2013 | |
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IMAGE: P1130941.JPG | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/03/19 | |
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Edited on 30/07/2014 by Colin Greenstreet |
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To the first and second articles of the sayd Libell and to
the schedule or bil of Lading in the said second article
exhibited, and by him the deponent now perused he deposeth
and saith that he this deponent did in the months arlate
videlicet in the monthes of September, October, November,
December January, ffebruary and March last past
dwell with his Master Mr John Willmott a Merchant
who was then resident at Saint Lucars nine miles distant
from Shereez where the producent Mr Andrew
Beesley did then reside or dwell, and he saith that
this deponents said Master did buy of Ambrose Canham who had 37 butts and a halfe laden aboard the arlate
shipp the ffortune of Topsham (Walter [?ffurlee] Master)
by him the said Canham, and
that he the deponent being imployed aboard the sayd
shipp concerning the said 37 butts and a halfe of wines
did therby come to well know that the said Beesley
had laden aboard the said shipp then being in the bay of Cadiz for his owne
accompt and as his owne proper goods fower and
twenty butts of sheerez wines and nineteene hogsheads
of sherry wines marked as is Libellate to be transported in the said shipp
and to be delivered unto the arlate Mr John Main
the said producents factor residing in or neere Exeter
And he saith that he being aboard the said shipp
did see the said Walter ffurler signe or firme the
bill of Lading for the said 24 butts and 19 hogsheads
of Sherrey wines, and that he verily beleiveth that the
bill of Lading arlate is the very bill of Lading which
the said ffurler did soe signe or firme for that
he the deponent doth know the sayd ffurlers handwriting
And further he cannot depose./
To the third and fourth articles he deposeth and saith that
he this deponent since he came out of Spayne into England
hath seene the Letters and accompts of the said
James Marshall the Defendant in this cause written by him unto [XXX XXX] treated with him on the sayd Beesleys behalf by
which Letters and accompts It hath doth appeare that
the sayd shipp did safely arrive with the sayd wines
here in England, and that he the sayd Marshall
had gotten into his possession aswell the sayd 24
butts as the sayd 19 hogsheads of sherrey wines, and
that he had payd or given satisfaction unto the sayd
Mr Beesley the producent for the sayd 24 butts
of sherrey wines, but not had not given any satisfaction
to him the sayd Beeslee or his Agent or factor for the
sayd 19 hogs=heads of sherrey wines, And further
he cannot depose./