HCA 13/71 f.379v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.379v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


deponents owne hand writing and a true particuler of all the goods materialls and
provisions soe as aforesayd delivered and their values or prices

To the 3 Interrogatorie hee saith hee cannot answere not knowing nor having heard of
any bond or bill given by the said Wilkinson to the sayd Russell to the effect

To the last Interrogatorie hee saith the schedule interrogate doth conteyne the true
prices of the severall goods and materialls therein mentioned and that the like
goods were sold at that tyme at the like prices and verily beleeveth that
the sayd Russell at the tyme interrogate sold noe goods and materialls of
the like kinds as those schedulate at lower rates than in the sayd schedule
is specified And further hee cannot answere/

Repeated before doctor Godolphin/.



The same day [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the sayd libell./

Rp. EX. 2us

James Norris of the parish of Saint dunstans in
the East London Shipp Chandler aged twenty
yeares or thereabouts a wittness sworne and
examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the first 2: 3 and 4th articles of the sayd libell and the schedule in the sayd 2 and 3 articles mentioned hee saith that in the moneth of
March 1654 English style and in the sayd moneth of March Anno 1655 the
arlate John Wilkinson was reputed Master and Commander of the
arlate shipp John and saith the sayd Wilkinson did
accompanied with one Mr John Southwood
the husband of the sayd shipp for her Owners the arlate humphry
hooke and Company bespeake of this deponents Master
Robert Russell the producent in this cause divers materialls and pro=
visions for the use of the sayd shipp which shee stoode neede of and
without them or the like goe to Sea And he saith that in pXXX GUTTER
of the furnishing of the sayd shipp with the sayd materialls and provisions the
sayd Robert Russell being lawfull Owner and Proprietor of all the
materialls and provisions in the schedule now shewne unto him expressed
did upon the 12th and 15th of March 1654 English style and on the 29th of
the same Moneth being in the yeare 1655 did by order of the sayd John Southwood
as husband and the sayd John Wilkinson as Master of the sayd shipp deliver unto
the Gunner and others of the sayd Shipps Company and to the sayd [?Wilkinson GUTTER]
himselfe all the materialls and provision of butter cheese, pease, [?XXX GUTTER]
shott and other things mentioned in the sayd Schedule (except the two tanned hydes therein mentioned all which
hydes excepted the sayd Wilkinson by him selfe and his gunner and others of his shipps
company receaved and caused to bee carried away in casks and [?XXX GUTTER]
from the sayd Russells shopp in T[?ower] street to bee conveyed on
board the sayd shipp for the use thereof and this deponent beleeveth
they were all (the sayd two hydes excepted) accordingly delivered on board the sayd shipp, And
the sayd