HCA 13/71 f.378v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.378v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 30th day of September 1656/

Robert Russell against the Shipp called the}
John and her tackle furniture and apparrell and}
against humfrey hooke Richard Bridgeman}
and Company coming in for their interest}
in the sayd shipp and against whomsoever et cetera}
Smith Cheeke}

Examined upon a libell given in and admitted
on the behalfe of the sayd Robert Russell./

Rp EA. 1

John Bly of the parish of Saint dunstans in the
East London shipp chandler aged twenty five
yeares or thereabouts a wittnesse sworne and
examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet.

To the first article of the sayd libell hee saith that in the yeares 1654 and
1655 and moneths therein respectively concurring or some of them and especially in
the moneth of March 1654 English style and in the moneth of March 1655
the arlate John Wilkinson was commonly accompted and reputed to bee the Master and Commander
of the arlate shipp the John, and this deponent knoweth that hee then had the
Care and charge of her as Master and Commander of her and did as
Master of her come togeather with one Mr John Southwood who was
husband of the sayd shipp and bespoke
of this deponents then Master divers necessaries for the sayd shipps use
such as powder, shott, and pease, and butter, and other materialls and provisions for the voyage
in question, this hee deposeth being servant to the producent Robert Russell
at such tyme as the sayd necessaries and materialls and provisions were soe
bespoken, and when they were by order of the sayd Southwood as husband
some of them to the sayd Wilkinson, (whome the sayd Southwood then acknowledged
to bee the Master of the sayd shipp) and the rest of them by order of the sayd
Wilkinson as Master delivered to his Gunner, And further saving his former
deposition hee cannot depose/

To the 2 third and 4th articles of the sayd libell and schedule in them mentioned hee saith that by reason hee
was then servant and apprentice to the sayd Russell hee well knoweth that in
the moneths of March 1654 English Style, and March 1655 the arlate Robert
Russell was the lawfull Owner and Proprietor of all the materialls and
provisions mentioned in the schedule arlate, And well knoweth [?in GUTTER]
the sayd moneths videlicet on the twelveth and fifteenth of March 1654 English style, and the
nyneth of March 1655, all and singular the materialls and provisions
mentioned in the said schedule were delivered, some to the sayd
Wilkinson him selfe, and the rest by his order unto his Gunner for the use
of the sayd shipp the John, and were (as hee since heard the sayd
Wilkinson and his Gunner acknowledge) all receaved on board the sayd shipp for her use
and imployment, And saith the said Wilkinson and alsoe the sayd
Southwood did on behalfe of the sayd humfrey hooke and other the
Owners of the sayd shipp promise to pay and satisfie the sayd Russell
for the materialls and provisions schedulate and soe reward the [?XXXX GUTTER]
rates and summes of money expressed in the sayd schedule, which are
the usuall rates such materialls and provisions as are therein specified [?XX GUTTER]


Primary sources


PROB 4/12725 Dawes, William, of Lambeth Marsh in Lambeth, Surrey, chandler 1671 12 Aug.
PROB 4/3018 Bayly, William, of Petersfield, Hants., chandler 1681 25 Nov.
PROB 4/13098 Brookes, William, of St. Clement Danes, chandler 1677 2 June
PROB 4/18550 Wilkins, Robert, of Portsmouth, Hants, chandler 12 February 1679
PROB 4/14099 Johnson, John, of Edmonton, Mdx. chandler 1672 10 Dec.
PROB 4/13641 Bishop, John, of Stepney, Mdx., chandler 1665 25 Nov.

PROB 11/229/125 Will of Richard Pittfeild, Ship Chandler of Saint Botolph without Aldgate, Middlesex 08 September 1653
PROB 11/425/40 Will of Jonah Clerke or Clarke, Ship Chandler of Wapping Whitechapel, Middlesex 20 April 1695
PROB 11/453/234 Will of Samuel Hill, Ship Chandler of Saint Paul Shadwell, Middlesex 23 December 1699
PROB 11/391/354 Will of John Hinshaw otherwise Henshaw, Ship Chandler of Saint Mary Magdalene Bermondsey, Surrey 12 June 1688