HCA 13/71 f.372r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.372r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


side and had some goods in her before they came aboard, which being
laden, the master sent the same away, and paid the watermen and
they went ashore and the next day hee hired them againe, and that
night the said Captaine went alsoe ashore. And saith that all
the while they were at worke, most of the principall men
looked on and walked up and downe, and refused and did not
worke. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 8th and 9th hee cannot depose, saving this deponent
had 5 s for his two dayes worke.

To the Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee cometh required by the master, and expecteth
his charges and dayes worke, And otherwise negatively.

To the 2. 3. 4. 5 and 6 hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid not
being in the [XXXXX]/

The marke of
[MARKE] Safron Wandel [MARKE, RH SIDE]

Repeated with his precontests before Colonel Cock.


The same day. [CENTR EHEADING]

Exámined upon the said allegation.


William [?Pullein] of Saint Andrews holborne in
the County of Middlesex Gentleman aged about 24
yeares a wittnes produced and sworne and being
examined deposeth as followeth.

To the first, second, third, fourth and fifth articles he cannot

To the sixth article of the sayd allegation he deposeth and
saith that he the deponent was a passenger in the arlate
shipp the Edward and John from the Barbados to this
Port of London, and he saith that about 5 or 6 nights after
the sayd shipps setting sayle from the Barbadoe's to this port
of London he the deponent did heare the Carpenter (as
he beleiveth) of the sayd shipp cry out that they were all
(meaning the sayd Shipps Company) were all dead men
for that the water came in at the Port, And further
to the sayd article he cannot depose

To the rest of the articles he cannot depose.

To the Interrogatoreys [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatory he answereth that he commeth to testify
in this cause being served with a Compulsory under the
seale of this Court, procured (as he beleiveth) by the
meanes of the producent John Totty) who gave him
this Rendent xij d And to the rest negatively.

To the second, third, fourth fifth and sixth Interrogatoreyes
he knoweth not to answeare./



On the same day [CENTRE HEADING]


John Norman late Purser of the said shipp
the Edward and John, aged about 23 yeares, a
wittnes produced and sworne and examined he deposeth as
