HCA 13/71 f.365v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.365v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the sayd Scott and Van houlton claymed by this deponent in the high Court of
Admiralty (being aboard at such her seizure) and upon proofe of the propriety of [XXX GUTTER]
restored) and by this deponent afterwards ordered to bee transported to Cadiz in pre[XXXXX GUTTER]
of her former intended voyage before such her seizure And further to this
Interrogatorie hee cannot depose/

To the 3 hee cannot depose/

To the 4th hee cannot depose/

To the 5th hee cannot depose/

To the 6th 7th and 8th Interrogatories hee saith that before the departure of
the sayd shipp hare in the ffeild from England on her voyage for Cadiz, after
such her being cleered as aforesayd, and while shee lay at Gravesend bound
for Cadiz, the sayd John Kein sent the Interrogate John Van Lathum his
Purser to this deponents house at London with a Colourable bill of sale
made of the sayd shipp to this deponent, but withall then presented unto this deponent a
noate in writing expressing that the sayd bill of sale soe made to this deponent
was only colourable, and pro forma, and that the same shipp did still belong
to the Interrogate Clement, Bulstrode, and Company, and desyred this deponent
to signe the sayd noate, Whereupon this deponent having perused the sayd
bill of sale and the sayd noate, returned answere that hee would not [XXXX GUTTER]
or have to doe with the sayd bill of sale nor have any hand in colo{uring}
any foreigners goods or words to that effect, and then tore the sayd noate
soe tendered to him to subscribe, and refused to accept of the sayd Colour[?able GUTTER]
bill of sale and delivered the same, back to the sayd Van Lathum to bee by him
carried back to the sayd Kein, and this deponent doth by virtue of his oath declare that hee never had nor hath right or tytle to the sayd shipp or
part thereof And these premisses were soe done by this
deponent in his house in Saint Martins Lane London in the presense of the
precontests harman Goris, ffrancis Nevile, and this deponents wife, and
further to this Interrogatorie Xhee cannot depose./
Repeated before doctor Godolphin with his precontests./.

[:-:] Gillis Vandeput [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


13th October 1656.

Page against Basse}
Clements Smith}

Rp. 3:

Philipp Ewers of Rederith in the County
of Surry Mariner, aged about 44 yeares
a wittnes, produced, sworne and examined
deposeth as followeth.

To the eighth and ninth articles of the allegation given
and admitted on the behalfe of the sayd Page and
Company the producent did come unto this deponent and [XXX GUTTER]
John Perryman (being both Masters of shipps) and
requested them to come aboard the arlate shipp the [XXXXX GUTTER]
of London (she then riding nigh Rederith) and to s[XXX GUTTER]
the damage that had happened unto the goods a board the
shipp, and how such damage did come and happen