HCA 13/71 f.357r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.357r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Company on board to visiite freinds aboard, by which meanes there being
noe boate to follow them, they gett to shoare and escaped cleere away and as
appeared afterwards put them selves in to the States services for Jamaica under
Command of the arlate Generall Sedewick and the sayed Totty being at
London which they escaped when hee came was made acquainted which the
manner of their escape and the sayed Totty
being desyred by the Company of the shipp that in regard if was
not any fault of their, (both boates being absent) that the dammage
for their escape might not bee put upon the shipps Company, they
not being in fault, the sayd Totty there upon did publiquely
in presence of their deponent and the sayed huggery, Turpin and divers others
of the sayed shipps Company, and of some passengers bound for the
Barbados, and their deponents and Huggeries Turpin wives who were them
aboard with their husbands say, that the sayed shipps company
should not bee troubled about their escape, for hee the sayed Totty
would make satisfaction to the sayed Cooper for them with other servants
or passengers which hee had on board which had noe Masters, or
hee spake words to the like effect on board the sayed shipp at Gravesend
And hee saith hee hath heard that the sayed Tottie had a discharge
for them from the sayed Generall Sedgewick afterwards, they being
under his Command in the States service, And further hee cannot

To the 5th hee saith hee knoweth that two of the sayd
shipps cables were soe rotten at the Barbados, that though they
were both fastened to one Anchor the better to make them hold, yet
upon weighing of the anchor they both brake with the weight
of the anchor and the Anchor was lost not with standing their deponeth others of the company
did doo their best endeavour for the preservation of it and Turpin the
masters mate did much endanger him selfe and stood up to the
arme pitts in water to fasten a roape to the anchor to save it from
looseing, but could not and further to their article hee cannot depose/

To the 6th hee saith that this deponent and the rest of the sayd shipps
company did doo their best endeavour during the sayd voyage to
preserve the sayed shipp her tackle and lading and hee saith that the
shipp being arrived at Greenewich with her homeward ladeing (all
save what shee delivered before her comming thither) and a lighter
being there ready to receave some goods on board her, the sayd
Tottie commanded the sayed lighter to bee laden with goods, and
in order thereto the sayd shipps company did lade divers goods from
on board into her and romeaging among the goods on board found
then that some a sugar caske on board was halfe empty of sugar
whereupon the sayd huggery told the sayd Master thereof, whereto
the sayed Master replyed that the company must then pay for it, and
thereupon the sayd huggery and company desyred the sayd Tottie that
before any more goods were unladen a survey bee made by