HCA 13/71 f.352v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.352v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


when they saw they should bee surprised, and the sayd Viber and
his mate being brought back and aboard the shipp some
goods by him the sayd Viber imbezelled from on board the sayd
shipp was found about him, and search being made by the shipps
Company by order of Captaine Totty, the boxe out of which
the goods were imbezelled was found in his the sayd Vibers Cabin
and the goods found about the sayd Viber and those found floating
upon the streame [?ownne] by one Mr Browning a passenger in the
sayd shipp (who had goods aboard) to bee this goods, And hee saith the
sayd shipps company brought the sayd Viber to the sayd
Totty and this deponent desyred him that hee would take such [XXXX GUTTER]
with the sayd Viber and his mate that the shipps Company might
not bee damnified for any thing that was missing or had
bin pillfered away by them the sayd Viber and his Mate the whole
charge of the ladeing being committed to the sayd Viber as boatswaine
but the sayd Tottie only caused the sayd Viber and his Mate to have
shackles put upon their hands for an hower or two, and to bee
tyed a while to the Capsterne, and afterwards discharged
Viber of his boatswaine place and put an other thereinto, and [?made GUTTER]
Viber Quarter Master and in that qualitie continued him aboard
the sayd shipp till her arrivall at the Barbadoes and there
suffered him to departe without prosecuting the lawe against
him, or causing him to make satisfaction for the goods so
Imbezelled And, hee this deponent verily beleeveth that if
any lead, deale bords or aother commodities laden aboard the sayd
shipp for accompt of the arlate Maior Chamberlayne are imbezelled and wanting the same
were soe imbezelled by the sayd Viber and not by the arlate [XXXX GUTTER]
and Company Mariners of the sayd shipp And further to
this article hee cannot depose/

To the 4th hee saith that at Gravesend fower servants did make
an escape away in an other shipps boate, and the sayd [XXXX GUTTER]
being ashoare with the Edward and Johns [?boate GUTTER]
her company had noe boate to make after [?them GUTTER]
and the shipps company acquainteing the sayd Captaine Totty [?of GUTTER]
the manner of their escape and defying that noe dammage
happen to them they being not then entered into [?whole GUTTER]
pay (as in truth they were not) and soe having noe charge of [?her GUTTER]
but the charge of them resting wholly upon the boatswaine,
the sayd Captaine thereupon promised before this deponent [??and GUTTER]
of the shipps Company, that noe dammage should happen to the
shipps company by reason of their escape, for hee would
hee sayd) make them good to their Master with other servants hee
had on board which had noe Master, And saith that hee
heard the sayd Tottie longe after sayd that hee had a noate from
Generall Sedgewick to showe that these fower men who
camme away as aforesayd, were under the sayd Generalls [XXX GUTTER]
in service of this Commonwealth and that hee would and did deteyyne them
[?for GUTTER]