HCA 13/71 f.350r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.350r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the Barbadoes all which save two horses which dyed at sea safely
arrived there in the sayd shipp and after their arrivall the arlate
Chamberlain and others to whome the sayd horses and mares (as hee
beleeveth) belonged came aboard the sayd shipp and demanded their horses and appointed them to bee brought on shoare in the Barbadoes to
a hovell or boarded house with a rack and manger in it, being neere the
Indian bridge whether they were all carried as hee beleeveth) And hee
this deponent and one Edward Cooke and Cornelius Symonson and John
hone and Bernard Phillipps five of the sayd shipps company carried one
Mare and fower horses (of the horses and mares aforesayd (one of which horses
was the horse in question) to the sayd place by order of the master
Captaine Totty and left them their tyed and left haye before them, and
returned on board the sayd shipp againe according as the sayd Totty
had commanded them to doe and further to the article hee cannot depose

To the third article of the sayd allegation hee saith that hee well
knoweth that the arlate Viber in the shipps outward voyage untill
she came into the downes, was boatswaine of her, and soe made
by the arlate Totty and did take charge of the goods laded aboard her
as boatswaine, and saith the sayd Viber after the sayd shipps
comeing into the downes did to take the shipps boate
from her sterne, and therein hee and his mate Abraham doo[?erne] having
embeazelled divers goods from aboard the sayd shipp to a considerable
value did endeavour to goe away with them but were
pursued by some of the sayd shipps Company and taken and brought
back and divers of the goods in imbezelled found about them as silke
hoods, scarfes and some other goods, and this deponent heard some of
them who persued them saye that the sayd Viber and his mate perseiving
they should bee taken did throw over board divers goods which they
had in imbeazelled, some whereof videlicet some hoodes and such like light things
swamme, and were some of them taken up by the shipps company who
pursued them, and he saith that for this their imbezellment the sayd
Viber and his mate were by the shipps company brought to the sayd
Tottie who only Commanded he them to bee tyed to the Capsterne
a while, and from handcuffs put upon them, but soone after commanded
them to bee released, and [XXX] continued them still on board the sayd
shipp, and only put the sayd Viber out of his place of boatswaine
and put an other therein, and made the sayd Viber quartermaster, and
did not any way prosecute the laws against the sayd Viber but suffered
him to continue quarter Master till after the sayd shipp arrived
in the Barbadoes where the sayd Viber left the sayd shipp and
next entered into with the service of this Commonwealth in the frigott calling
The Marston Moore ffrigott, and made noe satisfaction for
the goods soe imbezelled that hee this deponent knoweth of or ever
heard, And saith hee verily beleeveth that what other goods were laden
aboard the sayd shipp and are imbezelled, were soe imbezelled by the sayd
Viber and his Mate and further to this article he cannot depose./