HCA 13/71 f.333r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.333r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Endeavour and her sayd ladeing there were three oth? [PAGE CORNER MISSING]
with wines comming from the Canaries and in sight of [PAGE CORNER MISSING]
and of the sayd de La Roy And saith that demande being in? [PAGE CORNER MISSING]
this deponent and others of the Endeavours Company why they [PAGE CORNER MISSING]
their sayd shipp and ladeing and suffered the other shipps and their [PAGE CORNER MISSING]
to passe, they being all English shipps, the sayd de La Roch his Chirurgion [PAGE CORNER MISSING]
and boatswaine and others of his company who could and did speak
English answered to this effect videlicet, that they had noe authority or
Comission to seize the Endeavour or any English shipps or their ladeing
but were constrayned soe to doe for that they were bound upon a long
voyage to Mallegasca and the redd Seas and stood in neede of a
Shipps ladeing of wine by reason they were hindered by Crosse
windes and weather from takeing in their provisions of wine at Portugall
as they intended to have done, and
alsoe sayd that their Owners in France were Rich and able to
make satisfaction for what they did, it being to supply their necessity
being upon their employment, And further to this article hee cannot

To the 6th hee saith that hee alsoe hearde the sayd Chirurgion and boate
swaine and others of the sayd de La Roche his Company who could and
did speake English (after the seizure of the shipp Endeavour) says,
that they would not land the sayd Jope and Company nor any of
them on the Christian Shoare because they should not carry news
to England of the seizure of the sayd shipp Endeavour and her
ladeing, and alsoe heard them say that they coud not unlade the
sayd wines out of the Endeavour on board their own shipps and
therefore they would take the shipp alsoe alonge with them, for their
Owners were able to paye both for the shipp and and wines or to that effect
And further to this article hee cannot depose /

To the 7th hee saith that after the surprizall of the sayd shipp
Endeavour hee heard divers of the sayd de La Roch his Company
who could speake English and among others the Chirurgion and Boatswaine
aforesayd saye that they mett with an other English shipp before they
mett with the Endeavour and tooke her, but finding she had noe wines
and that her ladeing consisted of pipe staves, they lett her goe again, and that
they would not have medled with the Endeavour if her ladeing had not
bin wines for that they knew there was pease with France before they
betwixt England and France, and that they had endeavoured at Rochell and
stayed there divers days before their comming from there to get letters
of Marque against the English but could get none by reason the
pease betwixt France and England was concluded or they spake