HCA 13/71 f.30v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.30v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the .9th. he saith he hath not sayled from Salina Road att any tyme in a direct line
to the Streights mouth. but from places not farr from thence he hath sayled
to the sayd Streights or neere the same the wind being favourable. And att some
tymes he hath bene forced by reason of crosse wind in sayling from those
parts to tack to and againe ˹to gaine a quicke passage˺ taking care still to keepe as neere the direct
Course as may be in such sort as he hath predeposed; and it is true that in so doeing
where the Channell is narrow as about Majorca it happens that the Christian
Shore may be discovered one day and the Barbary shore another day, and
many leagues may in that manner be run{n} more than the direct Course
according to the Continuance of Crosse winds, and ćannot exactly be told but
by him that measures his such severall traverses to and fro: And further
saving his precedent depositions to which he informeth he cannot depose;

To the 10th he saith it is usuall for ffactors to protest against Masters of shipps
that make a breach of their XX ˹or˺der by staying or not staying in Port or
otherwise, but that such protests are not allwayes made in those cases
and therefore that it ćannot be concluded that a master hath performed
his duty though noe such protest be made. And further he ćannot

To the 11th. hee saith that when a shippe is lett to freight, and the factors have not sufficient
lading of the ffreighters goods to lade such shipp, they usually provide
other goods of other men. to make a full freight, which other mens goods
if the factors doe require it, this deponent beleiveth the master in such case is
obliged to receyve on board him, that he may not retourne home whith a dead
freight. for which he would otherwise be lyable to make satisfaction as this
rendent conceyveth. And otherwise he ćannot answere.

To the 12th he saith that having little knowledge in the steeving of woolls he
cannot depose.

To the 13th he saith that the galls as they come from Aleppo are sound, but by being
shott loose, or by dammage happening to them in the shipp many tymes became
rotten, and the sayd merchandize of galls is commonly taken in att Scand Smirna
unweigh'd, this Rendent never seeing any weighed so farr as he remembreth
but how woolls are taken in att Ciprus he knoweth not. And he saith that when
a master of a shipp takes in galls without weight ˹he˺ is not bound as he ćoncey=
veth to deliver them by weight. And for making or not making satisfaction
for such weight as falls short of the entries made by the factories for such goods
receyved in by tale and not by weight, he conceyveth that a master of a shipp
is not in such case lyable to make satisfaction unlesse it appeare he hath embezled
the same. And otherwise refering himselfe to the law in the sayd question
propounded he cannot depose.

To the 14th he saith that the baggs of galls are sübject to breake, and in such
cases the baggs breaking are to be mended or the galls putt in other sacks
by which meanes some small dammage but not to any considerable value
doth often happen, and such inconveniencies ćannot allwayes be avoyded. And
he beleiveth that Cotton Sackes are subject to the like. And otherwise he
cannot depose.

To the 15th he saith he never was {a}tt Porta fferara.

To the 16th. he saith he knoweth nothing thereof.

To the 17th. he saith that if his shipp were ready to sett sayle from Ciprus and
a Convoy were ready there and would depart in some short tyme, he this Rendent
would notwithstanding observe the order of his principalls or ffreighters, and
so doeing conceyveth, he should not be practichable or lyable to satisfy any losse
that might befall by not attending such Convoys; howbeit he saith that if the
factors would sufficiently secure him from his Charterparty and the Convoy would
sayle directly home, he would then, and not otherwise, stay for and attend
such Convoyes And otherwise he ćannot depose
