HCA 13/71 f.302r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.302r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The 19th of July 1656.

Rp. 2.

John Danielson of fflushing, Mariner, aged 25 yeeres
or thereabouts Marchant exámined.

To the first Interrogatorie hee deposeth that hee was borne and hath
alwaies dwelt at fflushing , where hee nowe hath his wife and familie
resident, and saith hee hath well knowne the shipp the Irish Merchant
other wise called the Dolphin Interrogated for theise eight monethes last or
thereabouts, and was one of her masters this present voyage, in which
qualities hee went hence in her from hence about seaven monethes since
for the Canaries, whence shee is now returned, and that hee came first
aboard her in the River of Thames, being appointed by her owners to goe
in her.

To the second hee saith the said shipp is retourned and there arrived with an
hundred and fourtie foure pipes of wine for the merchants account, six
hundred seaventie seaven hides alsoe for the merchants, and for them fiftie
nine Canastus of tobaccoe, all which wines, hides and tobaccoes
hee saith were laden at Teneriff (one of the Canarie Islands) by William
one Mr Pindar or Painter and by Mr John Lopez da Miranda who was sent thense
in her by Mr feernandez of this citie, and saith that of the foresaid goods
there was laden for the account and [?riskgo] of the said Mr ffernandez
fiftie three pipes of wine, and six hundred seaventie and seaven hides, and
for Mr Page of this citie merchant, ninetie one pipes
of wine, and one and fourtie pot[?acke] or canastas of tobaccoe, and further that
the said
George Webber merchant eighteene potacks of tobaccoe, and further that
the said goods were ordered to be delivered to them here on their order according
to bills of lading signed for the same, And saith that they are merchants of
this citie and (as hee conceiveth) subiects of this common wealth, and
lastly that hee hath not said nor beleiveth that any of the said there
merchants are subiects of the king of Spaine, And otherwise hee
cannot depose, saving this deponent and Robert hunter the other master
(an Englishman and subiect of this Commonwealth) have ioyntly seaven hogsheads
and one pipe of wine aboard for their owne account and six and fourtie
hides and one potack of tobacco, and the Stiersman (an English man)
hath one pipe of wine aboard for his account, and that there are two pipes belonging
to mr Webb, one of the owners of the shipp.

To the third hee saith that there were letters with inclosed bills of lading
brought home on the said shipp directed to the said Antonio ffernandez, mr
Page and mr webber and to them they were delivered here, being sent unto
them from the downes, but the number, or for whom written or the contents
hee knoweth not, they being in baled up and in a packet, and saith there were
noe papers or bills aboard when Captain Ch[?e]llingworth came with a
shallop aboard the said vessell; and saith there were three bills of lading
signed for each of the foresaid parcells for the said merchants, and that they
were all (for every parcell) of one tenor, and that there were noe bills signed of severall tenors
for one and the same parcell of goods. And further that there were noe
papers, bills of lading or writings torne throwne over board hidden or
otherwise made away.

To the fourth hee saith hee had noe private instructions or by word of mouth
touching the carriage or disposall of the said goods, but had order from the
said laders, for the deliveries of the said goods to the foresaid merchants according
to consignment aforesaid, to which purpose hee had signed the bills afore mentioned, and having delivered, the voyage was to end, and saith there was noe order