HCA 13/71 f.2v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.2v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


ánd received the like quantitie of curranse for his owne principalls
as were as aforesaid delivered to this deponent and laden aboard the
said shipp Caesar for the accompt of the said william williams and
company namely 37 butts, 5 carrateles and three quarteroles; which
curranse soe alsoe had and received by the said harby for his owne
principalls were alsoe laden aboard the said shipp Caesar at
Petras, of this deponents sight and knowledge, and were as hee
beleeveth brought home in her to this port of london And
otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee conceiveth mr Alderman langley
mr w[?ych] and mr Moyer to be the said mr williams his company in the
matter in question. And otherwise negatively.

To the second hee saith the said currants were brought by the peoples of
the countrey in boates to the side of the Caesar, some in sacks and the
rest (being the most of them) loose shott in the boates, and this deponent
doth not knowe who had the proprietie of the caske into which they
were steeved, but conceiveth those caskes into which the said curranse
for mr williams and companies accompts were put, were mr
hardwicks caskes for his said principalls, mr harby being (as hee
confessed to this deponent) to find mr hardwick casks for his
currants: and saith the Caesars company and some Greekes, from
the shoare steeved the said currans soe laden for Mr Williams and
company aboard the shipp and that the same were brought part from
Vestichia and part from Lepantei: and otherwise saving as aforesaid hee
cannot depose, saving that those that Mr harby received for his owne
principalls were from Petras, and soe as hee remembreth did one
of Mr Williams and company their carrateles, and Mr harby not having
enough of Petras curranse to make up his halfe, had one boats[?] [XXXX] the other,

To the third hee saith the said Clemant harby (whom this deponent
very well knoweth) was ashore at Petras, but this deponent doth not
knowe either of his or of the said hardwicks being at Lepanto or vestichia
And otherwise hee cannot answere saving as aforesaid./

To the 4th hee saith hee for his part was never Supercargo of
any shipp, neither ever tooke notice of any one exercising
that office or charge, unlesse appointed there to by the owners or
freighters. And otherwise cannot answer

To the 5th hee saith hee this deponent is not nor was mr hardwicks
servant, and that mr harby told this deponent that hee
was to be intertained and accomodated aboard the said Caesar, but
who was to pay for his diet or passage, hee knoweth not,
supposing that he be understood betwixt mr hardwick and mr
harby upon the agreement, nor had this deponent any discourse
with Captaine ffudge thereabout. And otherwise saving as aforesaid
hee cannot depose.

To the 6th hee saith hee sawe the said ffudge carry the said
money out of the Elizabeth and Anne into his boate to bee
carried aboard the Caesar, And otherwise hee cannot depose
not knowing ought of the bill of lading in question, saving as aforesaid.

To the 7th negatively for his part and otherwise hee cannot answer.

To the 8th hee cannot answer saving as aforesaid.

To the 9th hee cannot answer.
