HCA 13/71 f.299v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.299v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


to his owne use, and hense hee went in ballast to hull, and there tooke
in wheate and leade upon the said affreightment for Bordeaux and as shee
was going thither ward therewith, shee was taken by Ostenders, who carried
her to Saint Sebastians, where the said goods being taken out, shee went
to Rochell and loaded salt for the said Mr Lucie and carried and delivered the
same at Southampton and thense went in ballast to Rochell and there
tooke in another cargo of salt for his account and carried the same to
derliba in Curland, and there delivered part thereof, and carried the
rest to derwinda and delivered it, and there took in a cargo of
pipestaves for this port for mr Lucies account, and there delivered
the same, and hense went in ballast to Norway, and there tooke in
casks and deales for his account for dartmouth and there delivered
the same, and thense went in ballast to Rochell, and tooke in another
cargo of salt for his account and carried the same to Riga to and
delivered the same to the foresaid harman Backer, who reladed
her with her present lading for this port for the said mr
Lucies account as aforesaid, and saith hee alwaies and [?XXXXtimes GUTTER]
received his wages for his service as master of the said shipp of
and from the said mr Lucie, either by this deponents himselfe
or his wife to whom (in this deponents absense) the same was some[?times GUTTER]
paid, shee living at Saint Saviours Dock, and otherwise hee referreth
himselfe to his foregoeing deposition.

To the fourth hee cannot answer.

To the fifth hee saith the said shipp belongeth wholly and solely to
Mr Lucie and otherwise negatively.

To the sixth hee saith hee cannot call to minde when hee first [?heard GUTTER]
of the warrs betweene England and Spaine, but beleeveth that [?there GUTTER]
was warrs betweene Spaine and ffrance a the same time that they
began betweene England and Spaine.

To the 7th hee saith that the said goods going in the name and [XXXX GUTTER]
account of harman Backer of Riga which is under the Swede (and this deponent having a passe from the [?Swedes GUTTER] the
same would not have bin staid by any Ostender or dunkirker though
bound for ffrance, who would not have seized them unlesse they had
appeared to be for the account of ffrench or English, or
others in hostilitie with the Spaniard, and saith the said papers
were made colourably and proforma as aforesaid for Rochell
meerely to avoide seizure by Ostenders, dunkirkers or other subiects
of Spaine, and other not to avoide the English, the shipp being
really bound to that and to noe other port.

To the eighth hee this deponent himselfe helped to carry from
mr Lucies house to the prize office the moneys which hee paid
for the said shipp, and delivered the same there in the [?Treasurie GUTTER]
about three yeeres since when mr Lucie bought the said shipp [?and GUTTER]
whereupon this deponent was presently constituted master of her
by him here.

To the 9th hee saith hee had twelve of his company in [?this GUTTER]
present voyage, whereof three were English, and therest hollanders
Swedes and Easterlings, saving this deponent who liveth at [XXXX GUTTER]
but was borne in holsteinland, and that there were noe fflandrians
or other subiects of the king of Spaine aboard her.

Broeder Backson [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]