HCA 13/71 f.296r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.296r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 6th hee saith hee well knoweth being on board her that
the sayd shipp or Busse after this deponent and company had
fished with her three dayes neere yarmouth proved soe exceeding
leakie and insufficient that her this deponent and company durst
not followe their fishing imployment any longer in her, but
putt into Yarmouth harbour, where five of her company forsooke
her and came noe more on board her, and this deponent having noe authority
to hyre other men and considering the leakiness and insufficiencie of the
sayd vessell did with the remainder of the company left aboard
her bring the sayd vessell and all materialls belonging to her togeather
with the herrings soe taken to the hermitage neere wapping and
there delivered the sayd vessell and fish taken to the sayd ffearne
And further to this article hee cannot depose

To the last hee saith hee cannot depose/

Repeated in Court before
both Judges/



The 30th of June 1656

The Lord Protector against the shipp}
the daniel and goods in the same}
Budd. Smith. ffrancklin. Suckley}

Examined upon an allegation given in
on the behalfe of Jaques and
daniell [?Wynn] and others, parties
of Suckley Smith and ffrancklin.


Charles Alteras of fflushing Mariner, Commander
of the said shipp the daniell, aged 40 yeeres or
thereabouts sworne and exámined.

To the first and second articles of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
that in and for the time arlate there was (as hee this deponent
understood and beleeved) a free trade and commerce betweene England and
Spaine, and saith that this deponents with the said shipp the daniel
were comming from dunkirke bound for Saint Sebastians and be his said shipp
proving leakie, put into the haven of dartmouth on the eighth of
December last newe stile (as hee remembreth the time) and being
then this said shipp and lading having bin there about twelve dayes, they were there arrested or staid
by authoritie of this Commonwealth where upon this deponent [XXXX] up for
London from dartmouth and there arived on the eighth of January
next following, namely on the eighth of January last newe stile and
saith hee well knoweth that after such his comming to this port
(namely since the said eighth of January last) there came severall
English shipps arived in this said port with wines and other goods
which were commonly said and reported to have bin laden in ports of
Spaine and other parts of the king of Spaines dominion, as from
Malaga, Canaries and other places, but the names of the shipps or
master, or the expresse time or times of their arrival hee saith hee
knoweth doth not remember. And saith alsoe that within the said time of
this deponents remaining here, since the said eighth of January 1655
last, hee hath bin informed and hath observed that severall English shipps