HCA 13/71 f.294v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.294v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the second and third hee saith he was not present at the making of the contract
and Charterpartie arlate, And otherwise cannot depose.

To the 4th and 5th articles hee saith that the said shipp the George Bonadventure
(John Crampe commander) being outward bound on the voyage in question
did in the monethes of December and January 1654 receive aboard
corne, herrings, lead butter and cheese and other goods in this port [?to ?be GUTTER]
transported for Zant, and saith the said goods and lading were commonly
said and reputed to be belonging to and be be laden for the account of
the arlate George ffarrington and that after the lading of
the said butter and cheese, there was part thereof taken out again
and seized by the officers of the customs of this port and further hee
with the rest of her butter and cheese and other lading shee went and
sailed to Zant and there delivered the same to John Dobson and
Richard ffarrington arlate, factors of the said George and their [XXXX GUTTER]
who afterwards sent the said shipp twice to the Morea, from wh[?ence GUTTER]
shee each time brought a parcell of Greeke cheese to Zant and
delivered the same to the said factors which he knoweth
because hee this deponent went out Cooke of the said shipp, and
went from place to place and saw the premises soe donne.

To the 6th he saith that after the said deliverie of the said [?last GUTTER]
parcell of cheese brought from the Morea, the said factors
detained and suffered the said shipp to lie five moneths ([?at ?the XXX GUTTER]
at Zant without imployment, and afterwards sent her to Cephalonia
to the port of Arg[?a]st[?o]ll and sent Thomas Dobson (brother of the
said John) Cape merchant of her, and otherwise hee cannot

To the 7th 8th and 9th that the said shipp went accordingly to
Argostel, and there it was said that the said Thomas dobson was
in treatie about a freight and then hee and the merchant could not
agree upon the rate, and then thereupon hee ordered the said Captaine
to saile for Ligorno with the said shipp, there to receive further [XXX GUTTER]
and saith hee the said Captaine Cramp, and company did sail [XXX GUTTER]
said shipp accordingly to Ligorne, where meeting with noe
imployment, shee was sent homewards, and setting sail from
Ligorne shee afterwards, namely in or about April 1656 arived
at Plimouth, and thense came to this port, and in or about the
middle of May next following (to his best remembrance) shee
delivered her last lading here being a parcell of fustick
brought from Zant, All which hee knoweth being Cooke of her
and going from place to place in her as aforesaid. And otherwise he
cannot depose.

To the tenth he cannot depose.

To the 11th hee saith that the said ship the said voyage was and
remained in the service and imployment of the said George farrington
from about the beginning of December 1654 (at which time hee this
deponent was shipped for the said voyage) untill her said discharge of
her said last lading in this port, and all that while the said Crampe
was in the said service and soe was [?AmstX] P[?atti?a] (one of the said
Crampes servants) till the shipps comming to Plimouth (where he
was prest) and the arlate Samuel Swann (another of the said Captaines
servants) served in her and left her at Zant. And saith the said
Captaine well deserved 6 li per moneth for his said service, and otherwise he
cannot depose.
