HCA 13/71 f.28r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 28 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2012/10/07 | |
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Edited on 17/8/2013 by Jill Wilcox |
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The first day of March 1655. [CENTRE HEADING]
Examined upon the sayd allegation
James Moulton of Lisrack in Cornwall mariner, aged eighteen
yeares or thereabouts witnes produced sworne and examined saith
and deposeth as followeth, videlicet
To the first article of the sayd allegation he saith that the arlate shipp the Delight (John Gridden Mr) whereof the
allegat Mr Opie and Mr Trevill are owners, and were Imployers of her the
voyage in question was about the latter end of december 1654. sett out from the port
of falmouth by her sayd Owners on a voyage to be made with her from thence into the
Straits; and the says shipp afterwards was to goe to the Barbadoes and there she
was to have take in goods for the straits as this deponent heard # he being one of her
[#] after his arrivall in
the sayd shipp att the
Company the voyage in question. And otherwise he cannot depose.
To the second article he saith he knoweth nothing thereof.
To the third article he saith the sayd shipp departed from falmouth in Christmas or about
the end of december aforesayd, and made some Ports in the Straits, and arrived
att the Barbadoes about the beginning of June. 1655. and this deponent in her
being one of her Company as aforesayd and otherwise he cannot depose.
To the 4th article he saith that not long after the sayd shipp arrived att the Barbadoes
the foresayd John Gridden repaired to the arlate Thomas Browne and Jacob Sćantle=
bury who were the ffactors of and for the sayd Mr Opie and Mr Trevill. And hee
this deponent did there heare aswell the sayd John Gridden as the sayd ffactor
say and affirme that the sayd shipp was there to take in a lading of goods
and, to carry the same to Genoa within the Straits. And further or otherwise
he ćannot depose.
To the 5th article he saith he heard the sayd factors say that they were to lade the sayd shipp
with goods for Genoa as aforesayd. And otherwise he cannot depose.
To the sixth article he saith, That about the end of June 1655, the sayd Thomas Browne
and James Scantlebury came on board the sayd shipp then lyeing in Carlisle bay
in the Barbadoes, And thereupon the sayd John Gridden gave order to this deponent
to ćall in the shipps Company into the great Cabbin, which this deponent did
and all of them (Joseph Hobbes arlate excepted who, (as this deponent remembreth)
being called as others were, sayd he would not come) did repair into the sayd great
Cabbin, and then and there the sayd John Gridden in the presence of the sayd factors and
Marinerrs and in the presence and hearing of this deponent, did acquanint his sayd
Company that he had receyved order from his Imployers there to lade his shipp
and to returne therewith to Genoa in the Straits, and that they his sayd Company
must or ought and were to goe along and sayle the sayd shipp aććordingly, or
to that purpose, and the sayd factors then likewise made a declaration to the
sayd shipps Company to the selfe same effect. And otherwise he cannot depose
To the .7th. article of the sayd allegation, he saith, that upon the declaration made as aforesayd
the greater number of the shipps Company (who were in all about two and twenty
persons besides the master) did consent to goe the sayd voyage,and axpressed their
willingnes so to doe. But he saith that many of the sayd Company, to witt the arlate
White, Thomas. Martin. Harris Germans. Barlett; Bowden and Mitchell did not
consent thereto, but refused, and in the presence and hearing of this deponent
sayd they would not goe, or sayle the sayd shipp into the Straits. And otherwise
he ćannot depose.
To the 8th. article he saith, that by reason of the sayd refusall so made by the sayd White
and others in the 7th article particularly named, (the master having not men enough to
sayle the shipp without them) the sayd voyage to Genoa was overthrowne, and could
not take effect. And otherwise or further he ćannot depose.
To the 9th article he saith, that the sayd voyage for Genoa being so overthrowne, he the
sayd Gridden was forced, and did sett up Bills to give notice that he would returne
to England, thereby to procure freight homewards, And the sayd shipp lay there
three monethes after the sayd refusall so made as aforesayd before she gott her
full lading, during all which tyme her Company did eat att the sayd Owners Cost.
which this deponent knoweth, being one of sayd Company as aforesayd. And further
or otherwise he saith he cannot depose.