HCA 13/71 f.285r Annotate

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This page is for the annotation of HCA 13/71 f.285r.

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HCA 13/71 f.285r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


putt into Scarborowe being the neerest port (shee not being able
to endure the sea any farther) whereby the Samuell was as aforesayd much
damnified but to what value to estimate the same dammage hee knoweth not
This hee deposeth being one of the Company of the Samuell and assisting
as much as might be to have prevented the sayd disaster And further hee cannot

To the 3 hee saith the sayd Otters shipp having (as hee beleeveth) received
dammage alsoe by the sayd disaster did of this deponents sight continue her
course towards Whitby arlate which is some leagues off from where the disaster
happened and farther off there than Scarborowe was whereas the sayd Otter
might better have put in at Scarborough and have arrived there some howers
sooner than the Samuell could have done or did arive there the Samuell being very
much damnified as aforesayd by which meanes (as this deponent heard from
some of the sayd Otters Company of this shipp who came after-
wards to Scarborough) the sayd Otters shipp was by then runn on shoare
in Robin hoods bay and bilged upon a rock which much preiudiced her and
further to this article hee cannot depose./

To the 4th hee saith that notwithstanding the sayd shipps soe bilgeing upon
the rock her all her Cables Masts sayles yards Anchors gunnes and other
tackle and furniture were preserved and saved and brought of this deponents sight
and knowledge to Scarborough And saith hee alsoe heard at Scarborough
that the sayd Otter after his shipp was soe bilged was offered tenn pounds
sterling for at Robinhoods bay for his lading of Coles and refused the same
and alsoe that hee sold the hull of his sayd shipp for fifteen pounds five shillings
of like money And further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 5th hee saith that hee verily beleeveth and is perswaded in his
conscience that if the sayd Otter had carried his sayd shipp into Scarborough
as the sayd Lee did the Samuell (which hee might very well have done
if hee pleased soe to doe) hee the sayd Otter had preserved both his shipp
and ladeing from all hurt save what it received by the sayd Otters running
it willfully or at least carelessely upon the Samuell in meanes aforesayd
and might have avoided the dammage which afterwards happened to her
And this deponent for the reasons before declared well knoweth that
what dammage happened to the sayd Otters shipp and ladeing happened
thereto meerely by the carelesseness or willfullnes of the sayd Otter and
his Company and not through any default of the sayd Lee or any
of his Company of the Samuell And further hee cannot depose/

To the last hee saith his foregoing deposition is true/

Repeated before doctor Godolphin/

The mark of the sayd
John I [MARKE] Johnson./