HCA 13/71 f.282r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.282r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



The 11th of July 1656

Browning against Vander post Tilley}
and others.}

Exámined upon the fore said libell

q.1[?id] infra in A.19.


John Wheelewright of the parish of Saint Buttolphs
Without Bishopsgate London Armourer, aged
46 yeares or thereabouts, swome and exámined.

To the first árticle of the said libell hee saith and deposeth that
within the time arlate the arlate Adrian Vanderpost and company were
commonly accounted and reputed the true and lawfull owners and
Proprietors of the shipp the ffortune arlate and of her tackle and furniture
which hee knoweth being one of her company the voyage in question.

To the second árticle hee saith and deposeth that hee was not present
at the agreement or hiring arlate, nor knoweth ought thereof.

To the third and fourth articles hee saith and deposeth that the said shipp
within the said time being out wards bound on a voyage from this port
of London for Sally and other places beyond the seas, this deponent was
in or about the beginning of June nowe last past was two yeares
shipped in her to goe Armourer of her, and then found that the producent
Robert Browning was before him shipped for the said voyage to goe masters
mate and merchant or sopra cargo, or assistant to the sopra cargo of her,
and from the time of this deponents said shipping hee sawe and
tooke notice that the said Robert performed the said office of master
mate and merchant or Sopra cargo, or assistant to the Sopra cargo of her, and arrived in the
said vessell in the said imployment at Salley in August 1654



The 11th of October 1656.

A businesse of exámination of witnesses to}
perpetuall remembrance promoted by William}
Lee the master of the shipp called the Samuel}
against Otter, late master of the shipp}
the Providence, and against all other.}

Examined upon an allegation given on
the behalfe of the said William

Rp. .j.

John Deane of horsey Downe Shipwright
aged 47 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and

To the first article of the said allogation hee saith and deposeth that
in the moneth of September last past the said William Lee with the
said shipp the Samuel and the said Otter with the said shipp whereof hee was then master
came from Newcastle together, and when they were came to the North ward
of Scarborough Castle, the winde being contrary and at South upon
or about the sixth day of this said moneth of September the said shipp the
Samuel stood off, and her said Otters shipp stood in, and in soe standing
they came very neere to each other, in soe much that the said William Lee
commanded this deponent to who was at the helme, to beare up, that
soe the Samuel might come to Larwards of the said Otters shipp
and avoide clashing and coming of the said shipps fowle of
each other, and this command was given by her said Lee after and
upon the calling of the said Otter out to them to beare up, and saith
the said Lee and company did their utmost endeavour to get cleare of