HCA 13/71 f.27r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.27r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


ffebruary the 29th. 1655. CENTRE HEADING

Napthalia White John Thomas and}
others Marriners of the shipp the}
Delight of Plymouth against}
John Gridden master of the shipp.}
Cheeke ffrancklyn}

Examined upon an Allegation on the behalfe of the sayd Gridden.

Rp. 1

Thomas Serjeant of Millbrooke in the county of Cornwall
Boatswayne of the sayd shipp the Delight aged five and thirty
years or thereabouts, a witnesse produced sworne and
examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet .

To the first article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that about December 1654
the arlate shipp the Delight was set out upon a trading voyage by Nicholas
Opie and Stephen Trevill arlate on a trading voyage from ffalmouth under
the conduct of the sayd John Gridden who hired this deponent to go XX as
Boatswayne in her to Barcelona within the Streights and so to Majorca
and then home agayne to ffalmouth; and afterwards the sayd Gridden declared
that the sayd Opie and Trevill owners and imployers of the sayd shipp had altered
the voyage and that the sayd shipp was to go to the West=Indies. And otherwise
not knowing what order the sayd Gridden was to follow in his such voyage, hee
cannot depose.

To the second article he saith the sayd shipp sett sayle from ffalmouth upon the 29th day of
December on her sayd voyage. And further (knowing nothing what orders the
sayd Gridden had from her Owners, or that he acquainted the persons arlate or any of
his Company therewith he this deponent ćannot depose.

To the 3rd and 4th articles of the sayd allegation he saith that the sayd shipp and this deponent as Boatswayn
of her arrived safely att the Barbadoes (having in her passage touched att the
Streights) on or about the third day of June 1655; Soone after which her
Arrivall the arlate Scántlebury and Browne factors there for the Owners
came on board her, and in the presence of this deponent and others of the sayd shipps
Company did dećlare that they had order from their Principalls to loade the
sayd shipp with sugar ginger Tobaććo and other goods of that place, and
that as some were to be sent in the said shipp to Genoa within the Streights.
or to that purpose. And further or otherwise not knowing what passed betwixt
The Producent and sayd ffactors, not having seene the letter arlate he cannot

To the 5th article he saith that the sayd ffactors upon the sayd shipps arrivall had sugars
Tobaććoes and other goods ready provided # to lade in her And they sayd
in this deponents presence that the same was to be ćarryed to Genoa by the
Order of therir Principalls the Owners of the sayd shipp above mentioned and
otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the 5th article he saith
he heard the sayd
factors say that they
would dispatch the sayd
shipp away in case the
Mariners would sayle
in her to Genoa. And
otherwise hee ćannot
depose not having seene
as he saith any goods
by lading whereof
the sayd dispatch might
have bene made.

Thomas [TC MARKE] Serjeant
his marke SIGNATURE

To the 6th and sixth 7th articles of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that about the tyme
arlate the foresayd factors ćame on board the sayd shipp in Carlisle bay, and thereupon
the sayd Gridden called all his Company (who were in all about one and twenty
persons) into the great Cabbin, and all of them (Joseph Hobbes arlate excepted)
did thereupon attend him, who told them that he had order from his sayd Owners to
take in goods of the quality aforesayd, and to transport the same to Genoa
(which the sayd factors then affirmed to be true) and that he thought fitt to
{X} make this order knowne to them, for that they ought and must goe with
him to Genoa with the sayd shipp and goods or to that effect. And thereupon
this deponent and about eleven persons more belonging to the sayd shipp
did consent to and expresse their readines to goe the sayd voyage; And others
of the Company, to wit the allegat Napthali White John Thomas William
Martyn, Edward Harris, Richard Germans (Joseph Bartlett Arthur Sowden
and Thomas Mitchell did refuse to goe that sayd voyage to Genoa saying
they were not hired for any such voyage, and therefore would not goe, or
to that purpose, And otherwise (not knowing that any mutiny thereupon
happened other than the sayd refusall) he saith he ćannot depose.
