HCA 13/71 f.278v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.278v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first ánd second Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth
that in the moneth of May last past hee this deponent with Thomas
Mayo and William Wills (all wine coopers) bought twelve butts of
Malaga wine of the said John Tivell, which as hee the said Mr Tivell
said and affirmed, were parcell of a greater quantitie of wine
which hee had here received out of a certaine shipp called the
Noahs Arke, and saith that when they soe bought them, hee
this deponent sawe lying in the same sellar where they were at
Gally key, other wines which seemed to this deponent to be and
were affirmed by Mr Tivell to be of the same parcell. And
further saith that being informed that there had bin tenn butts
of the better sort of the parcell, taken out of the said shipp
at some place whether shee had bin carried in, hee saith that
if they were but soe good as those wines which this deponent and
the said Mayo and Wills soe bought of Mr Tivell, they were
well worth and would here have yeelded two and twenty
pounds sterling per butt one with another, if they had
arrived here in good condition about Christmas last or before or in January last, as it was said they
might have donne had they not bin hindered by some that seized
them, and if they were better than those they soe brought
(as it was affirmed they were) they were then worth and could
have yeelded a greater rate than two and twenty pounds per butt.



The 4th of July 1656.

Bawrock and Bawrock against}
harris and Chambers}

Exámined upon an allegation given in on the
behalfe of the said harris and Chambers.

Rp. 1

Christopher Neck of Redriff in the County of Surrey
Mariner aged 29 yeeres or thereabouts sworne and

To the first article of the said allegation hee saith and deposeth
that the arlate Christopher Mitchell (the voyage in question) carried in
the shipp the Little George (whereof hee was Master) from the Canaries
to the Barbada's, seaven pipes of wines for his owne account and from the Barbada's to the coast of Barbary hee carried for
his owne account in ninetie three Rolls (or thereabouts) of tobaccoe
being the proceeds of the said wines, which hee knoweth because
hee this deponent was boatswaine of the said shipp and tooke
an account of her lading, but what freight was payable for
the same, or whether hee the said Mitchell carried any servant
from England to the Barbadás, for which passage ought to be paid
hee saith hee knoweth not, saying that hee this deponent and William
Peters were his servants, but serving as mariners, there was noe
passage payable for them. And otherwise hee cannot depose.




Thomas Mayo, winecooper

"Merchant Taylors' School Register: 1646: Samuel Mayo, only son of Thomas, winecooper, b. in Thomas Apostle, 21 March, 1635"[1]
  1. Jump up Charles J. Robinson (ed.), Merchant Taylors' School Register, vol.1 (Lewes, 1882), p.176, viewed 04/08/2016