HCA 13/71 f.26r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.26r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 5th and 6th articles he saith he doth very perfectly remember That after the sayd shipps
such coming to Ciprus the tyme aforesayd, there were Woolls laden upon her by
the sayd ffooke att two severall tymes, and the greater quantity was laden
the first tyme, and that assoone as that greater quantity was laden, the steeving
Instruments were brought a shoare from the shipp, which was then to be fitted
to sayle, which this deponent came to take the more notice of, for that he was to
come in her for England; And this deponent saith, that soone after the sayd Roger
ffooke and the allegat Richard Chowne did give expresse order to the sayd
Captaine Hughes in the presence and hearing of this deponent to ćause the sayd
steeving Instruments to be carryed agayne on board alledging that there
way yet more woolls to be laden, And the sayd Instruments being gott agayne
on board, the sayd ffooke and Chowne did send on board the sayd woolls being
betwixt thirty and forty tackes of woolls, and ćaused the same to be laden
on board the sayd shipp which was done accordingly, this deponent having oććasion
to goe aboard sometymes whereby he saw and knoweth the same ˹were so laden˺ And he saith
that the last of this last parćell to the best of his remembrance were not steeved
till with in two or three daies of the sayd shipps departure which was in June .1652.
And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the 7th and eighth articles This deponent saith that he often saw the sayd Captaine Hughes
and his Purser att the sayd Consull ffookes howse to demand bills of lading for the sayd
first great parcell of woolls, which after many delayes they could not nor did obteyne
from the sayd Consull till he had prevailed to have the sayd shipp stay for the lading
of the sayd second lesser parcell. And about the tyme that the sayd second parćell
was lading the arlate Consull ffooke in this deponents presence and hearing
did advise and give order to the sayd Captaine Hughes to stay till Captaine Badily was
ready to depart with his Convoy and for his better security to keepe Company with
the sayd Convoy alledging that it would be good so to doe for the ffraighters
and that they would thank him for it, or to that effect. And this deponent being
on board the sayd shipp together with the sayd Richard Chowne, he the sayd Chowne
gave the like advice and direction to the sayd Hughes which he being not willing to
yeild to, for the desire he expressed to be gone, and the great unwillingness of his
Company to stay, he the sayd Chewne sayd he would gratify the mariners with a parcell
of wines; and then threatened the sayd Hughes that if he would and did depart before the
sayd Convoy he the sayd Chowne would Enter a Protest against him of all dammages
that might befall the merchants freighters by his so doeing. And otherwise hee ćannot

To the 9th article he saith he ćannot depose

To the 10th and 11th articles he saith he hath came masters of shipps say alsXX XXX during his abode att Ciprus that
shipped (such especially of had XXXXXX to take many Currants) did usually ˹they would (for the taking of currants)˺ shape their
Course for Zant, which aswell for conveniency of lading such a heavy merchandize
as Currants as for the winds which often hinder the direct Course is commonly taken
to be the best and securest way. And further he cannot depose saving that after
the sayd second parcells of woolls were laden, the steeving Instruments were agayn
sent a shoare, and the sayd shipp fitted for her homewards voyage.

To the xijth hee saith that he this deponent att the Request of the sayd Consull Roger ffooke
did fetch from the sayd shipp upon her first arrivall att Ciprus from Leghorne a great
quantity of moneyes, which was delivered to the sayd Consull, who did therewith, as
this deponent beleiveth, provide and buy the foresayd woolls or a great part thereof
And he then heard and beleiveth that the sayd moneyes did belong to the merchant
ffraighters, but by whose order the same were sent to the sayd ffooke he knoweth not
And otherwise he cannot depose.

To the 13th article he saith he cannot depose::

To the 14th article of the sayd allegation hee saith. That the sayd Roger ffooke during
the sayd shipp the Thomas Bonadventures stay and being att Ciprus as aforesayd, and
after such tymes he and the sayd Chowne had ordered her stay for the Convoyes
aforesayd; did severall tymes in his howse there, and in the presenće and hearing
of this deponent promise and undertake to the sayd Captaine Hughes being then and
there like wise present that he the sayd Roger ffooke would by his advises
certify the merchants freighters, that he had ordered the sayd shipp to stay for
60. and keepe Company with the sayd Convoy: saying then. (as upon other oććasions he
likewise did) that such stay was to the security and benefitt by of the sayd ffreighters
in that the sayd shipp having the protection of the Convoy might and did peave woolls
in her fore peike which otherwise she could not safely doe or to that purpose