HCA 13/71 f.269v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.269v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Tunis that a dutch or fflemish shipp had undertaken the
sayd voyage for Cassandra and that hee the sayd Mavaradino
had agreed with the Master of her or such other who had power
to lett her to freight and that hee had put Money on board her him
selfe and to goe in her to Cassandra, as hee intended to have done
in the George Bonadventure if her Company would have gone
the sayd voyage and hee cannot depose./

To the 9th article of the sayd allegation hee saith as is predeposed
the sayd dymock and other the persons before deposed of were very
disobedient to the Command of their Superiors and prone to
mutinie upon light occasions and did divers of them goe
ashoare upon their owne pleasure and will without any leave given
them, And hee saith that hee this deponent observing that the
sayd dymock was carelesse in his office of Mate and did not
prevent the wasteing the shipps provisions and other disorders
of the sayd shipps Company told him in a freindly manner
that it was his the sayd dimocks duty to prevent all disorder
in the shipps Company and all waste of provisions soe farr as
hee could, and told him that hee this deponent had bin informed
that some of the Company had bin soe disorderly and wastefull as to
throwe bread over board and bin many otherwaies disobedient and
disorderly and that hee the sayd dymock ought to prevent the same as much as hee
could and to acquainte the Master of the sayd shipp and this deponent thereof
or words to that effect, whereto the sayd dymock answered
and sayd that he would saye nothing, nor doe nothing, and then
hee should live quiett, And hee saith hee alsoe
well remembreth that in the sayd shipps voyage now in question
the sayd dymock laye on shoare at Plymouth five or sixe
dayes and nights togeather upon his owne occasions, and neglected
his duty on shipp board which hee soe did (as the say Master
told this deponent) without his the sayd Masters leave And
further to this article saving his foregoeing deposition hee cannot

To the 10th article hee saith that hee being Purser and on board
well knoweth that the sayd shipp George Bonadventure lying
then at Anchor at Zant her Company were on or about the
seaventeenth of May 1655 ordered by the Master to make ready
the sayd shipp to sett sayle thence to the Morea presently for that
he and some Merchants that were to goe thither would presently