HCA 13/71 f.267r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.267r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


had bin conveyed there into by one Thomas Richards the Gunners
Mate of the sayd shipp through the Gunne roome port of the sayd shipp,
and hee this deponent being then on shoare when the same was by
the sayd hutchinson soe taken, the sayd hutchinson did when this
deponent returned from shoare deliver the sayd Corne
soe taken in the sayd Greekes boate to this deponent who kept the same
by it selfe and found by enquirie that the same had bin conveyed
out of the sayd shipp by the sayd Richards, and this deponent and
the Master of the sayd shipp calling the sayd Richards to accompt
for the same hee the sayd Richards before the Master, this deponent
and divers others of the sayd shipps Company confessed that hee had
soe conveyed the sayd Corne out of the sayd shipp and that the
pillowbere wherein it was taken was his the sayd Thomas Richards,
and hee this deponent verily beleeveth that severall other quantities
of the sayd Corne was by the sayd shipps Company conveied
away from on board the sayd shipp and otherwise imbezelled after her arrivall at Zant
for that the same being measured at
Zant on shoare there was a great quantitie of it found to bee wanting
to the quantitie of three hundred bushells of Corne or thereabout all
as this deponent beleeveth having seene the Accompt taken by the factors of the sayd ffarrington at
Zant whereby it appeared to this deponent that soe much of the quantitie of Corne taken in at [#]

[#] London was wanting
[GUTTER XXX XX] unladeing the
sayd Corne at Zant all

which was left to the sayd ffarrington the lader and Owner
all the sayd Corne soe laden aboard the sayd shipp at
London that voyage, And hee alsoe saith that hee this deponent
well knowing it to bee the Custome at Ligorne (where this
deponent hath severall tymes unladen Corne) when Corne is there
unladen, to send some one of the Company of such shipp as
unladeth the sayd Corne, with the same a shoare to see the same
safely delivered and measured and take Accompt of the measure
thereof thereby to prevent imbeazelling and stealing thereof, did
thereupon advise the Master of the sayd shipp the George Bonadventure
that some of the sayd shipps Company might to the end aforesayd
goe a shoare with every boate load of the sayd Corne and see the same
measured and safely delivered with which advise of this
deponent the arlate Beniamin Dimock the Masters Mate and
the arlate Neck the Boatswaine were displeased and sayd
there should none of the sayd Company goe on shoare
with the sayd Corne to see it measured nor take any
Accompt of the measure thereof, and none of the sayd shipps
Company thereupon did take Accompt
of the sayd Corne but only went in the boates with it to the
shoare side and there delivered the same without measuring it
and saith that by the factors Accompt aforesayd it did
appear that the sayd Corne being measured there wanted about