HCA 13/71 f.261r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.261r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


and hee saith that the sayd masts boate Anchors and other tackle and
furniture soe cutt away for preservation of the sayd shipp and ladeing were
in this deponents Judgment and estimate worth two hundred pounds sterling
at the least And further to these Interrogatories hee cannot depose/

To the 4th Interrogatorie hee saith that of his this deponents sight and knowledge
the bulke heads of the sayd shipp after the sayd storme was past and at their
being in harbour at Plymouth were stronge and sufficient And this
deponent there sawe one Jones a shipp carpenter and two or three more
come aboard the sayd shipp and this deponent went downe with them into
the hold and sawe them view her bulkeheads and heard them saye and
declare that the sayd shipp before the sayd storme was a stronge tight
and sufficient shipp, and that there was while the sayd shipp lay in
the downes before her goeing forth thence on the sayd voyage very good
tarrpaulings laid and nayled round the hatches with hoopes to fasten
the nayles through and knoweth that good dennage of matts and
woods was provided and used at the stowing of the sayd shipps ladeing, and
all care taken by the Master and Company of the sayd shipp that could
bee that the sayd goods and ladeing of her might bee preserved from
dammage, soe that hee is thereby well assured that what dammage is
happened to the sayd goods happened to them in the sayd storme and by meanes
thereof and not before And further to this article Interrogatorie hee
cannot depose./

To the 5th hee saith hee well knoweth the Interrate Mathew Plowman
and saith hee well observed that the sayd Plowman having bin ill for
some dayes before did keepe his cabbin in the tyme of the storme
aforesayd and as hee beleeveth till after the mayne mast and shrowdes were cutt downe
and the Anchors cut away, for that this deponent being constantly upon the deck
did not see him till after that, and saith that after that, a sea breakeing into
the sayd shipp and running into the sayd Plowmans cabbin the sayd
Plowman thereupon came out of his cabbin and stood in the steereage and there
stayed a while, and thence went into the round house and saith that the sayd
Plowman while hee continued in his sayd Cabbin could not see what
any of the shipps company were doeing without, because the abin bulke
heads and the steereage bulke heads were betweene them and the deck soe
that hee could not see what was done And further to this article
Interrogatorie hee cannot depose/

Repeated before
doctor Godolphin

the marke of the sayd
Robert Rc Catmar [MARKE, RH SIDE]


The same day./

Examined upon the sayd Interrogatories/

d Smith


William Wade of the parish of Saint Katherine neere
the Tower London Mariner Cooke of the shipp the
Saphir aged 47 yeares or thereabouts a wittnes sworne
and examined saith and deposeth as followeth videlict./

To the first second and third Interrogatories hee saith and deposeth