HCA 13/71 f.257r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.257r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



The 12th day of June [CENTRE HEADING]

A busines for perpetuall remembrance for}
[GUTTER XXX] John Greene and Company touching}
goods in the Hopewell of London}

Examined upon Interrogatories ministred on the behalfe
of the sayd John Greene and Company

See the 3 first wittnesses
in Quire A 15

Rp. 4us

Symon Roe of Rederiff in the County of Surrey
mariner Quarter Master of the shipp the Hopewell aged
thirty sixe yeares or thereabouts a wittnes sworne and examined
saith and deposeth as followeth videlicet./

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee well knoweth the Interrogate shipp the hopewell
goeing quarter Master of her in her last voyage to the Streights which is the voyage
in question and such the Interrogated John harris was and went Master of her that voyage
And further to this Interrogatorie hee cannot depose/

To the 2 Interrogatorie hee saith hee knoweth that the sayd shipp the voyage in question
tooke in the greatest part of her homewards Cargo at Scanderoone and sayled
thence to Cyprus where shee took in the rest of her sayd Cargo, and saith
shee was to deliver the same part at Ligorne Interrogate and the rest at London
and saith the sayd goods being laden hee this deponent did at Ciprus soe
a hundred twenty and odd dollars told out on shipp board and carried on shoare to
pay the port charges of the sayd goods there and hee beleeveth all customes and
duties due at both the sayd parts to the Grand signior for the goods there laden
were payed before the sayd shipps departed from the sayd ports with the sayd
goods, for that it is the usuall custome both there and in all other places that shipps
are not permitted to depart from any port till they have made it appeare
that they have cleered and paid all customes and duties to be paid for their
ladeing And further to this Interrogatorie hee cannot depose./

To the 3: 4th 5th 6th and 7th Interrogatorie hee saith the sayd shipp with her sayd homewards
Cargoe all of it on board) her departed from Cyprus bound for Ligorne,
and in her passage thither mett with very tempestious and fowle weather which
caused her to springe severall leakes and brake the iron worke of her
Rudder and washed her Rudder cleere off by which meanes the sayd shipp was soe disabled
that hee having receaved her Ruther floating in the sea and gotten it on shipp
board was forced for preservation of the sayd shipp and goods to returne
back for Cyprus which was her neerest port, and there unlade a great
part of her sayd Cargoe that soe shee might gett her leakes stopped and
repayred and her rudder new hunge, which being done hee saith John
harris her Master and his company did relade part of her sayd
Cargo on board her but were interupted and hindered from ladeing the
rest by certaine officers of the Grand Signior who pretended that by reason
her goods were unladen againe there that therefore the Grand Signior was
to have new customs for them but after a while hee saith the sayd Officers
by the mediation of the Interrogate Roger ffowke (who is accompted
the English Consull there) were contented to permitt and did permitt the
sayd Master and Company to relade the rest of his sayd Cargoe on
board the sayd shipp which being done the sayd ffowke did in presence
of this deponent and his contests Thomas Metford Robert Pembridge
and others of the sayd shipps Company demand of the sayd John harris
the Master 18 hundred dollers or peeces of eight for his Consullage and