HCA 13/71 f.250v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.250v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


were and still are commonly reputed the true and lawfull Owners
of the arlate shipp the King of Poland and hee this deponent
hath bin paid by them for worke done to her since the sayd
Moneth of June as being Owners of her and hee verily beleeveth
them soe to bee And further to this article hee cannot depose/

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true./

William Welch [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 16th of June 1656

Examined on the sayd allegation/

dt 2us

Jonathan Pooke of Ratcliff in the County of Middlesex
Mariner aged twenty eight yeares or thereabouts
Witnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth as followeth

To the first article of the sayd allegation hee saith that or about
the moneth of June 1655 the arlate shipp the King of Poland then lying at
the Bermudas bound from thense to Virginia and from thense to this Port of
London did in or about the sayd moneth take in and receive on board her
severall hogsheads chests butts and barrells of Tobaccoe to a goode quantitie
and having receaved the same aboard departed therewith and sett sayle
for Virginia and with the sayd Tobaccoes on board soe arrived safely in
Virginia in the River of Nansemum where there were laden and put
aboard the sayd shipp in or about the moneths of November december
and January 1655 severall other quantities of tobacco to a great
quantitie all which as well that were laden at Bermudas as that at
Virginia was to be transported to the port of London where shee
was to discharge the sayd Tobaccoes this hee this deponent
knoweth being Gunner of and aboard the sayd shipp the voyage
in question and and (SIC) seeing the same soe done, as is predeposed/

To the 2 article hee saith that a great part of the Tobaccoes soe
laden the tymes predeposed as well at Bermudas as Virginia was
Commonly Accompted to bee belonging to, and laden for the
Account and by the order of the arlate John Wright Jasper White
Perient Trott Thomas Toulson John Balls Richard Chandler
and George Waterman Merchants living in London to whome or their Assignes the
sayd Tobaccoes were consigned to be delivered at
their arrivall in this port of London by their factors or Agents at
Bermudas and Virginia who laded the same the premisses hee deposeth
being Gunner and aboard the sayd shipp as aforesayd And further
to this article hee cannot depose/

To the 3: 4th 5th and 6th articles of the sayd allegation hee saith
and deposeth that the sayd shipp having soe receaved in all
her ladeing of Tobaccoes her Master the arlate ffrederick Johnson
and his Company (whereof this deponent was one) sett sayle with
her and her sayd ladeing from James River in Virginia towards
this Port of London upon or about the seaven and twentieth day