HCA 13/71 f.24r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/71 |
Folio | 24 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2012/09/17 | |
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Edited on 17/08/2013 by Jill Wilcox |
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27.o Februar. 1655.
Examined upon the sayd Allegation
Samuel Dun of Limehouse in the County of Middlesex Mariner late cheife
masters mate and Steevador on board the shipp Thomas Bonadventure
Captaine Hughes Commander the voyage in question, aged 36 yeares or
thereabouts a witnes produced sworne and examined saith and
deposeth as followeth. videlicet
To the 1. and 2. Articles of the sayd allegation, This deponent saith, that the arlate shipp
arrived the last tyme att Ciprus the voyage in question to take in her lading the
first day of May 1652 and not before, and had then about one hundred baggs
of cotton woolls on board her and also a four hundred and odd baggs of galls,
And saith that after her such arrivall she receyved on board her about
two hundred and five baggs of Ciprus woolls, which he beleiveth were
all or most of them for the accompt of the freighters, and were all or most
of them laden by the arlate Roger ffooke. And otherwse (not particularly
remembring the number of baggs laden otherwise than as aforesayd, nor certainly
knowing the particular aććompt for who the same were laden, this deponent
attending principally to his owne office and imployment in the sayd shipp) he cannot
depose, saving that there was a report on board as hee saith, that tenne
baggs did belong to one Mr Rich./
To the third and fourth articles of the sayd allegation, This deponent saith that the sayd
shipp was of the burthen of about two hundred and eighty tonnes and had
forty four men belonging to her the tyme aforesayd and noe more. And as
for the Ciprus Woolls arlate, he saith, they are putt in very great baggs
and are steeved with much difficulty after such tyme especially as any
considerable number of them are laden. And he further saith that being
steevador of the sayd shipp, and having undergone that office in other shipps
he thereby knoweth, that forty four men in a shipp of the tonnage aforesayd
having about 100 baggs of woolls and 400 odd baggs of galls on board
before, cannot receyve and take on board and steeve above eight baggs
of Ciprus woolls a day one day with another, And moreover saith that the
Company of the Thomas Bonadventure the tyme arlate did attend diligently
to their labour about twenty howres a day, and yet they did not receive and
steeve above eight baggs a day one day with another, nor could they perfor=
ming their worke as it ought to be done have so stowed above eight a day
one day with another. All which he deposeth for that hee saw the said worke
performed, and was steevador of the sayd shipp as hee hath predeposed. And otherwise he ćannot depose.
To the fifth and sixth articles of the sayd allegation This deponent saith he well concei=
veth that after the sayd shipps sayd last coming to Ciprus there was a great
parcell of woolls in 170. or more baggs laden, and that the last of
them were laden and steeved upon the two and twentyeth of May: 1652
which being done this deponent caused all the steeving geare to be sent on
shoare the next day; and the Company of the shipp fell to fitt their shipp for
her voyage to London whence they intended to sayle assoone as their sayd
shipp could be caulked and fitted which might have bene done in three
or four dayes. And he saith that the sayd steeving geere being so carryed
on shoare, the arlate Roger ffooke and Richard Chowne came to this deponent
and acquainted him that they had two parcells more of woolls to be laden, and
desired him to be carefull in the steeving of them, and prayed him earnestly
to fetch the steeving Instruments agayne on board. And this
deponent att such desire and by the order of the sayd ffooke and Chowne did
fetch the sayd Instruments on board agayne, and they the sayd ffooke and Chowne