HCA 13/71 f.249v Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.249v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


to the 3: 4th 5th and 6th article of the sayd allegation hee saith that
the sayd shipp having soe taken in her sayd ladeing of Tobaccoe
at Bermudas and Virginia the arlate ffrederick Johnson and company
Mariners of the sayd shipp whereof this deponent was one sett sayle
with the sayd shipp and her sayd ladeing of Tobaccoe from James
River in Virginia from or about the 27th day of the moneth of January 1655 English
style bounds for London and saith that upon or about the first
day of ffebruary last in the morning the sayd shipp being with her
sayd Lading in her course for London and about the latitude of
thirty seaven degrees and a halfe and about ninety leagues to the
Eastwards of Virginia was surprized with an exceeding great
tempest the winds Blowing at west North west or thereabouts
with great furie and the sayd tempest continueing for fower or
fives dayes togeather the violence thereof drove in great seas into
the sayd shipp which raked her both fore and afte and split
and staved her longe boate all to peeces and breake the head of
her Rudder short off and soe brake the Iron works thereof that the
Rudder hung loose and was in continuall danger to bee wholly
torne off and carried away from the sayd shipp and the violence of
the sayd storme alsoe broke downe of the the waste of the
sayd shipp on both sides and brake some of her timbers and the
sea ran violently into the sayd shipps hold and other parts of
her and amongst her goods and ladeing of her to the great
perill of the lives of the sayd shipps company and eminent
danger of the losse of the sayd shipp and goods not withstanding
the sayd shipps company did use all possible meanes to
preserve them selves their sayd shipp and ladeing and did
presently after the sayd Rudder heads and Iron worke was broken
hange out men in roapes over the sayd shipps sides side (sic)
to worke and fasten the sayd Rudder againe thereby to bring
the sayd shipp to her steerage who with great hazards of
their lives did fasten the same but the tempest continueing
with great furie presently brake the same soe that
untill about fower dayes after the first beginning of the
sayd storme the sayd shipps Rudder could not bee fastened
soe as to make it continue fast And the Master and company
during the sayd storme were forced to pumpe and did pumpe by turnes
day and night continually at the chayne pumpe of the sayd
shipp and use all other meanes possible to preserve the sayd
shipp and ladeing and by Gods blessing upon such their
labours did with great difficulty preseve her and her ladeing
from sinkeing in the sea by meanes of the sayd storme This