HCA 13/71 f.240r Annotate

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HCA 13/71 f.240r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


eighteene hundred dollers wherunto the sayd John harris the Master
answered that all duties for them due to the Grand signior and all other duties were paid
at the tyme they were first laden aboard the sayd shipp and that they were
unladen againe only to new hange the Rudder of the shipp and stopp her leakes
and that hee the sayd Master was a stranger and had noe money to pay his
the sayd ffowkes demand or hee spake words to this effect whereupon the sayd ffowke seized upon the person
of the sayd Master and of this deponent and some others of the sayd shipps
Company and kept them prisoners in his the
sayd ffowkes house under Custody of certayne Janizaries for not paying
the sayd 18 hundred dollers, and the Master not being able to pay the sayd
summe the sayd ffowke Kept the sayd Master prisoner and sent this deponent
and one Roe and [XXX]er (who was alsoe prisoners) on board the sayd shipp with
Certayne Greekes belonging to the Consull aforesayd, which Greekes
when they came on board commanded and caused the hatches thereof to bee
unlocked and tooke out three bayles of silke and caused them to bee weighed
and then carried them on shoare in sight of this deponent and the sayd Roe and
the rest of the sayd shipps company, and this deponent sawe the sayd
three bayles afterwards in the sayd ffowkes warehouse, which bayles the sayd ffowke
kept for the non payment of the sayd 18 hundred dollers And this deponent
verily believeth and is perswaded in his consience that neither the sayd
Master nor the rest of the sayd shipps ladeing could or would have
bin discharged at Ciprus without payment of the sayd eighteene
hundred dollers, for that the sayd bayles were taken away meerely
for the discharge and preservation of the rest of the sayd shipps ladeing
And further to these Interrrogatoies hee cannot depose./

Repeated before doctor Godolphin/

Roboart Pembridg [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the sayd Interrogatories [CENTRE HEADING]

Rp. 3us

Thomas Medford of the parish of Great Allhallowes London
Mariner Masters Mate of the shippe hopewell aged thirty yeares
or therabouts a wittnes sworne and examined saith and deposeth as
followeth videlicet./

To the first Interrogatorie hee saith hee doth well knowe the shipp the hopewell Interrate for that
hee went Masters Mate of her in her last voyage to the streights And further to this
in which voyage the Interrate John Harris was and went Master of her And further
to this Interrogatorie he cannot depose./

To the 2 Interrogatorie hee saith he well knoweth the sayd shipp the sayd voyage tooke in
the greatest part of her homewardes ladeing at Scanderoone and from thense went to Ciprus and
there took in the rest thereof and that the same was to be delivered part at Ligorne and the rest at London and saith hee beleeveth all customes and duties due
at each place to the Grand signiour Interrogate or his officers were for the sayd
goods there laden was there paid before such tyme as the sayd shipp sett sayle therewith
from Cyprus, for that it is not the custome there or in any other ports or places
that this deponent knoweth to lett any shipps passe away with their ladeing before
all Customes and other duties are cleared and discharged And further to this Interrogatorie
hee cannot depose./

To the 3: 4th 5th 6th and 7th Interrogatories hee saith that the sayd